Sunday, 31 October 2021

Battle for Sector 12 - Hesperous Prime


Power Level: 30.

Mission: Sweep and Clear.

Agendas: Reaper.

Following the previous betrayal by the Dark Angels, the Rift Wardens had fallen back to regroup and organise a counter attack. The initial plan was to perform a sweep and clear of the surrounding sectors to ensure that the enemy were contained away from the chapter's base camp. The detachment assigned to Sector 12 was the first to encounter the Dark Angel advance.

The engagement opened with the Dark Angels attacking from the cover of ruined habitat complexes, catching the Rift Wardens in a perfectly executed pincer attack. Reports came in that the enemy were attacking other scout patrols. 

By midday the battle for Sector 12 was largely static, with both forces hunkered down and trading bolter fire at a distance. The Dark Angels attack had made advances but they suffered heavy casualties doing so. Chapter Master Arthurus arrived to bolster his battle brothers and sent a team led by Librarian Ramirez forward to strike a blow against the Dark Angel command forces. Arthurus arrival helped but the Rift Wardens had taken severe causalities and Arthurus was forced reluctantly to withdraw his forces, leaving only a small group to cover their retreat.

The Dark Angels captain ordered his troops to pursue and destroy with extreme aggression. The Rift Wardens retreat was blocked by fallen masonry and they were forced to try and find other routes back to their command base. The Dark Angel pursuit was hampered by stiff resistance and heavy fire from the Rift Wardens honoured dreadnoughts, resulting in more casualties.

After heavy fighting the Dark Angels succeeded in pushing into assault range, causing the Rift Wardens lines to collapse and their left flank partially cut off from reinforcement. At the same point, further tactical squads arrived from Sector 13, enabling the Dark Angels to encircle the surviving Rift Wardens.

All but encircled and with no hope for victory, Arthurus gave the order to retreat. The Rift Wardens withdrawal was complicated by the sheer number of enemy marines in their path, and soon it turned into an organised rout. 

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