Sunday, 24 October 2021

Purge The Heretics - Otek Hivesprawl

Points: 2000.

Mission: Retrieval Mission.

Secondary: Engage on All Fronts, Oaths of Moment and Slay The Warlord.

In response to their previous defeat, Arthurus issued orders to his battle brothers to attack the genestealer cult forces in a manoeuvre to outflank their vanguard and drive them back into the tunnels before further reinforcements could arrive. However, due to cult sabotage some companies were blocked from arriving in time. 

The battle began with an attack on a fortified stronghold of the cult leaders. The battle was swift and decisive but the Rift Wardens took severe casualties. Outrider squads intended to surround the enemy found their routes mined or blocked, and were forced to find other, more lengthy routes to get to their intended way points. A number of intercessor squads were lured away by the sudden arrival of cultists from storm drains and service hatches. These diversions soon forced the space marines to pull back

By the next morning, the Rift Wardens forces had been split up by the cult diversions and with further reinforcements, the chapter was at a severe disadvantage. Even so, Arthurus insisted that they continue the offensive. Even his lieutenants and captains could not sway him from this course of action.

Over the next two days, the Rift Wardens were able to secure forward territory for the Astra Militarum forces behind them but it cost the chapter dearly in manpower and equipment. A pyrrhic victory at best. 

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