Friday, 1 October 2021

Brother vs Brother - Iago

Points: 2000.

Mission: No Man's Land.

Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, Oaths of Moment and Secure No Man's Land.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Engage On All Fronts, and Secure No Man's Land.

For several weeks the Rift Wardens have been fighting alongside their brothers, the Crimson Fists, against the greenskin menace occupying the Iago system. A hard fought engagement that finally saw the Emperor's finest seizure these vital worlds back from the enemy although at great cost. Unfortunately events took a downturn at the end of the crusade when the two chapters came to blows over the treatment of the surviving Imperial citizens.

The situation took a turn when the last surviving orks took refuge in an overpopulated settlement. Rather than use scouts and eliminators to remove the last remnants of the ork threat, the Rift Wardens charged in. They killed orks and Imperial citizens alike in their crusade to eradicate the greenskins. In retaliation for the slaughter, Pedro Kantor led his battle brothers against the Rift Wardens.

As the Rift Wardens scoured the area of their last battle for signs of any remaining orks, the Crimson Fists dropped an ambush upon them. Drop pods fell from the skies and stormtalons roared in across the wastelands. The Rift Wardens weathered a storm of bolter fire that halted their search. They held their ground and returned fire, enraged that their fellow battle brothers would turn on them.

The element of surprise worked in the Crimson Fist's favour ultimately and they were able to deal a fatal blow the Rift Wardens present. Word had reached the Rift Wardens command though and chapter master Arthurus vowed revenge upon Kantor!

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