Friday, 14 January 2022

Plague War - Dontoria Hivesprawl

Points: 1000.

Mission: Centre Ground.

Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, Oaths of Moment and Slay The Warlord.

After several days with no sight of the Death Guard, Imperial strike teams investigated but could find no sign of the traitor marines. Imperial command became concerned and dispatched the Rift Wardens back to the hive sprawl with orders to scour deep into the hive and find the Death Guard. 

The Rift Wardens had barely entered the hive when a sudden bombardment from hidden plagueburst crawlers fell down upon their position. Likewise, similar bombardments fell upon the Astra Militarum lines behind them.

Simultaneously, a large number of plague marines emerged and attacked the space marines largely unopposed as many succumbed to the warp-fuelled diseases released. Captain Galadus quickly took charge of his battle brothers and quickly counter-attacked capturing a strip of ground between the two forces. From this point, the Rift Wardens attempted to push forward to retake territory and occupy high ground. A second force of Death Guard terminators teleported in behind the Rift Wardens but were repelled by heavy bolt rifle fire.

The battle waged on for hours and the Death Guard pushed the Rift Wardens back and secured the area. At this point a horde of plague zombies emerged from the sewers and ruins, spilling out into the streets. It was at this time that the Death Guard commander made an appearance and led his forces into close assault with the space marines. The Rift Wardens laid down heavy fire and for a time were able to halt the enemy advance. 

Captain Galadus arrived at this time with reinforcements but were unable to dislodge the plague marines. The enemy commander then proceeded to advance and attack Galadus' position supported by further plagueburst bombardment. The engagement, now in vicious hand to hand, was now very much in the hands of the Death Guard. 

Galadus attempted one final attempt to halt the Death Guard but after losing his bladeguard bodyguards he found himself outnumbered. Although he was pulled down by the enemy forces, in the aftermath of the battle he was recovered and returned to the Rift Wardens firebase where his injuries were treated. Unfortunately, with the Rift Wardens defeated, the Astra Militarum troops were easy prey to the Death Guard. Dontoria Hivesprawl remains in the hands of the Death Guard.

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