Saturday, 22 January 2022

Battle of Mining Station 715 - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 2000.

Mission: Retrieval Mission.

Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, Mental Interrogation and Oaths of Moment.

While the Imperium waged it's wars against the invading Chaos and Xenos forces, the Genestealer Cult on the planet Vigilus took control if a major mining station out in the wastes. It's loss could cause significant disruption to the Imperial defenders. The Cult took the site with ease and began to convert the site to a firebase outside the great hive cities.

The Rift Wardens were dispatched to retake the site, burn the Cult out and restore Imperial control. The Cult was far more prepared, and deeply ensconced in the facility. The space marines fought valiantly, even inflicting significant damage to the Patriarch but ended up outflanked and surrounded. The battle brothers fought bravely to the end but were wiped out to a man. Mining station 715 remained in xenos hands.

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