Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Massacre at Mining Station 715 - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 1500.

Mission: Forward Push.

Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, Forward Push and Oaths of Moment.

In retaliation for the loss of their battle brothers just days before, a strike team was assembled and sent into Mining Station 715 to slaughter the Genestealer Cultists hold up within. In the days since the initial takeover, local authorities had lost control of the region and it was a vital gesture that the Rift Wardens reclaim the site.

When no word returned of the strike team, a third was dispatched and found the colony a site of brutal slaughter. The bodies of the slain marines were everywhere. Their bodies desecrated and defiled. Of the cultists there was no sign. Despite it's value to the Imperial war effort, the decision was made to recover the bodies of the fallen and destroy the mining station with explosive charges.

The chapter kept these defeats a secret and blamed the destruction of the colony on the xenos.

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