Wednesday 2 February 2022

Webway Incursion - Kaelac's Bane

Points: 1000.
Mission: Divide and Conquer.
Secondary Objectives: Domination, Lines of Demarcation, and Oaths of Moment.

When an Aeldari structure was discovered in the frozen wastes of the North was discovered by an Imperial Navy flyover, the Rift Wardens were assigned to guard the site until a team of Mechanicum xenologists arrived to examine it. After several hours on guard duty, the structure activated a webway portal, releasing a strike team of Aeldari warriors.

The Rift Wardens rallied to the defence but were outgunned by the grav tanks and jetbikes swarming the site. Chaplain Lucastus took charge of the situation and attempted to take the fight to the invading enemy. The Aeldari attackers proved too strong and the Rift Wardens were decimated to a man. No survivors and no prisoners. 

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