Monday, 7 February 2022

Battle of Outpost Alpha-Zin - Paragon Secundus

 Points: 1000.

Mission: Shifting Front.

Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, Oaths of Moment and Slay The Warlord.

In response to the previous engagement, Chapter Master Arthurus led a small force to Outpost Alpha-Zin, a forward firebase used by the Ultramarines during the original war against the Death Guard and still occupied by a small force of the Ultramarines. It was chosen as a target simply to drive home the point that the Ultramarines were in the wrong by their actions and that the Rift Wardens were in a superior position. Arthurus hoped that with this action the Ultramarines would back down.

Arthurus force carried out a frontal attack under fire from Ultramarines dreadnoughts and gladiator tanks, countered by the Rift Warden's own dreadnoughts. The Ultramarine defenders, led by the phobos librarian commander, attempted some counterattacks, but these were repelled. The Ultramarines, threatened by the overwhelming attack, started to withdraw, abandoning the site. The Rift Wardens then occupied the outpost. During the next day, Rift Warden patrols mopped up the surrounding area, bringing down any Ultramarines discovered.

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