Thursday, 24 February 2022

Turn of the Tide - Corinthia

Points: 1000.

Mission: Crossfire.

Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, Oaths of Moment and Slay The Warlord.

The battle of Corinth Starport was a small engagement that saw lieutenant Aurelius become a legend among the honours of the Rift Wardens chapter. 

The Tau arrived at Cortinth in a high flying manta aircraft and invaded the city without encountering any serious opposition from the local defence forces. The Rift Wardens forces within the city were led by lieutenant Aurelius and under his command, he organised his battle brothers to lead the defence of the space port.

In the first week of fighting, the Tau captured and overtook the Heingeist district close to the main space port landing site. They busied themselves digging trenches and preparing fortifications while they waited for further reinforcement.

The Tau commander foresaw that the space marines present would jeopardize the Tau position. As such, he ordered the troops under his command to attack the Imperial positions as soon as possible to prevent the space marines from attacking the Tau command positions. At the same time, the Aurelius led his battle brothers to attack the Tau in the very fashion that the enemy commander feared. The Rift Wardens used the cover of night to advance, and just before dawn they attacked. The Tau were surprised and responded in a disorganized fashion without the benefit of any heavy weapons. The Tau were defeated in under two hours and the space port was returned to Imperial control.

Although Aurelius was gravely wounded, he survived and was honoured by the chapter for his daring. 

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