Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Battle of Lucifuge - Lucifuge


Points: 1000.

Mission: Ransack.

Secondary Objectives: Oaths Of Moment, Raise The Banners High and Slay The Warlord.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Oaths Of Moment, Ransack and Relentless Assault.

In the aftermath of the Vigilus Crusade and the Rift War, Marneus Calgar requested that the remaining Rift Wardens head into the Imperium Nihilus to bolster the Blood Angels in the Lucifuge system against the forces of Chaos. Although underpowered now, Arthurus agreed. However, upon reaching the target system, the Rift Wardens found a system corrupted by the Ruinous Powers. Arthurus made the decision that the Blood Angels on Lucifuge must have been corrupted and ordered his battle brothers to engage them. Once again, the chapter found itself at war with it's own allies.

Following the initial Rift Wardens attack, Lemartes issued instructions hold back his battle brothers because scout teams found few Rift Wardens marines operating in the area. The larger chapter force was advancing some miles to the north-west. A wait and see approach to determine what the enemy would do.

On the second day, Lemartes was ordered to occupy a series of defences in the path of the Rift Wardens but not to engage unless fired upon first. An attempt to assault the enemy would be for naught if they proved to be unresponsive to parlay. Captain Leander of the Rift Wardens was ordered to occupy a series of fortifications but not to advance too far forward. Better to wait rather than be slaughtered by the blood crazed Death Company.

Lemartes and his battle brothers attacked with elements of the third and death companies with support on the following day by the fourth and fifth. They fell upon the fortifications held by Captain Leander with seething aggression. Further south, elements of the Rift Wardens held place and watched for signs of Blood Angel assault coming their way. During this moment, the Rift Wardens made planet fall at strategic locations all around the planet.

Blood Angel reinforcements moved slower than expected and it left Lemartes undermanned for the battle ahead. Rift Warden reinforcements were reported as converging on his position. The Rift Wardens lacked any real knowledge of the area and were unaware of just how many Blood Angels marines remained in the area. They had won a series of small skirmishes but had yet to face the full force of the sons of Sanquinius. 

Eventually on the third day day, Leander attacked the dug-in Blood Angels, striking out in thick fog and heavy rain, with little support other than a handful of dreadnoughts. As the fog lifted, Blood Angel heavy weapons fire brought down all but one redemptor dreadnought. A Blood Angel counter-attack pushed back the Rift Wardens and they were not able to reclaim their position until the early evening. 

To the north, a company of Rift Wardens advanced in the fog, encountering enemy forces and was forced to withdraw and take a divisionary route to join their battle brothers. On the southern flank, the Rift Wardens fared even worse and the whole force there retreated a short distance under heavy assault. 

Although this initial engagement for Lucifuge was brief and made up of scattered skirmishes, it showed the commanders of both sides that the other was not willing to give ground and attempts at communication failed. This would be a long, slow and bitter campaign.

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