Monday, 18 July 2022

Titanic Engagement - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 1500.

Mission: Data Scry Salvage.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Bolster Barricades and No Prisoners.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: A Fitting Challenge, Path of Destruction and Ruthless Tyranny.

Following the arrival of Abaddon the Despoiler and his heretic forces, the Rift Wardens found themselves fighting alongside many of their Imperial allies in a forty kilometre long front protecting the advance towards Mortwald Hivesprawl. The first threat these defenders would face would not be the Black Legion but a vanguard force of Chaos Knights roaming ahead of the Legio Mortis.

Day 1.

On the morning of the first day of this engagement, Imperial Navy spotter aircraft reported to command that a phalanx of Chaos Knights were moving towards Mortwalk. In accordance with established plans, those battalions ranging ahead moved forwards to intercept the enemy then seek to assist the remaining defenders where possible. The Cadian 1567th were ordered to bolster the defence lines and the Rift Wardens were tasked to cooperate in this by filling in the gaps along the defences. Unknown to the defenders, the Knights of House Vextrix had already clashed with the Astra Militarum vanguards. By late afternoon the Chaos Knights were still on advance towards the hivesprawl, and in consequence the spotter aircraft were ordered to reconnoitre their movements and informed the defending marines and guardsmen to be ready to attack. 

By evening, vanguards had pushed back the Vextrix assaults. Communications revealed that the Chaos Knight presence was much larger and more powerful than had been expected. The forward lines were evacuated as night fell and the survivours made haste to join the main defence lines. For now the enemy had succeeded in pushing into Imperial held territory largely with impunity.

On the eastern front, outposts of the Rift Wardens had been attacked mid-afternoon. Despite initial failures, the Chaos Knights continued with their attacks and forced their way through. A space marine counter-attack inflicted severe damage but failed to push the enemy back. By late evening, Captain Lorgraine reported continuing efforts to defeat the enemy.

Day 2.

In a report the following morning, Lorgriane confirmed to Imperial command the violence presented by the enemy against their lines. In further communications, he requested that the loyalist Knights and Titans "make themselves felt as soon as possible."

On the Imperial west flank, the Astra Militarum and what what space marine forces there were, were ordered to make movements in preparation of an offensive action. At the same time, Imperial command hastened the relief of the Rift Wardens by a number of loyalist Knights. The offensive movements were stopped by an attack by Knights of House Griffith. Although the attack did not prevent the relief of his own troops, Lorgriane reported that he would be unable to reinforce the Rift Warden position due to the number of casualties his company had suffered.

Day 3.

On the third day, the Knights of House Vextrix attacked the Imperial lines en masse. The attack threatened to cut the Imperial line of retreat but the Rift Wardens bravely stopped their advance with a brace counter-attack. This allowed the Astra Militarum to retreat to Mortwald with minimal loss of life. With the majority of Imperial forces retreating towards the hivesprawl, Lorgraine signalled the order to withdraw, lest his battle brothers by encircled and cut off from escape. House Vextrix was victorious in this engagement.

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