Sunday, 18 September 2022

Against The Despoiler - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 400.

Mission: Incisive Attack (Solo Game).

With the arrival of the Vengeful Spirit in the skies above Vigilus, Arthurus' arrogance led him to declare that the Rift Wardens would be the ones to bring low the great despoiler. Gathering around him a small strike force, Arthurus led his battle brothers out into the wastelands on the hunt for the Black Legion.

With the Black Legion making planetfall in the wastelands, Arthurus main military objective was to seize control of one landing site to ensure that at least in one area, the Black Legion would be reduced in numbers. Within two days, Arthurus and his chapter had successfully captured their primary objective.

They had begun by utilising whirlwinds to shell the site prior to launching a direct assault. The small force encountered fire from Black Legionnaires who were entrenched in the ruins and on higher ground. As the engagement progressed, Rift Warden reinforcements arrived from Hyperia Hivesprawl and assistance in the assault. The Black Legion now came under increasing heavy fire and as the day wore on, the Rift Wardens launched a major assault into the survivours and the enemy were finally defeated. The initial campaign against the Black Legion was off to a good start.

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