Sunday, 18 September 2022

The Battle of Darkhold Keep - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 400.

Mission: Outriders (Solo Game).

Following their recent successes against the Black Legion, the Rift Warden moved against other enemy holdings in the wastelands. The advance was soon repulsed but the initial conflict was extremely successful. Under Arthurus' leadership, the Rift Wardens overwhelmed the Black Legion forces encountered. The fortress of Darkhold was the only Black Legion position that held out and was soon completely surrounded by the loyalist marines. The Rift Wardens were now in a position to threaten the Black Legion holdings in this part of the wastelands.

Darkhold Keep was protected by multiple trenchworks and miles of razor wire to ward off enemy attacks. Inside the fortress, the Black Legion held a garrison of some two hundred legionnaires and Khornate berserkers. For several days, the Rift Wardens bombarded the trenches and walls with whirlwind artillery strikes. As the death toll increased, the Black Legion marines sought to escape the confines and take the fight to the Imperial dogs!

Arthurus began the siege of the fortress with six companies of his battle brothers. After a brief artillery bombardment, ordered a full-scale assault on the fortress. For three days the Rift Wardens attacked and accomplished nothing at the cost of many fallen battle brothers.

Within a week, the Black Legion armies were pulling out of the area and moving towards Mortwald Hivesprawl. At this time, a second siege of Darkhold began. This time Arthurus decided not to launch any frontal assaults, but instead settled on pounding the fortress to rubble with whirlwinds. For the next few days, the fortress was blasted by ceaseless artillery fire until at last it collapsed killing or entombing the traitor marines forever.

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