Saturday, 24 September 2022

Battle of Hindelgeist Highway - Dharrovar

Points: 1000.

Mission: Desperate Raid.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Grind Them Down and Retrieve Nephilim Data.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Boots On The Ground, By Lasgun And Bayonet, and Inflexible Command.

The battle of Hindelgeist was an Imperial advance bolstered by the Rift Wardens. While the main force approached the main city gates, the Rift Wardens split to approach from the left flank. The small city of Hindelgeist was defended by a veteran Militarum force that had sided with the traitorous King Kaligius. The day had been cloudy and blanketed by thick clouds of smoke. Attempts to reconnoitre the Imperial positions during the afternoon had not observed any troop movements. It was only when the defenders intercepted transmissions that they knew that they were under attack. The defenders made the decision to attack first and although early progress it began to buckle with the arrival of the Rift Wardens who attacked unseen out of the smoky battlefield. That flank, although badly organised and poorly supported, were able to repel the initial space marine attack.

Further north, Arthurus' assault was pushed back and by nightfall the battle brothers under his command were dug in makeshift trenches along the western highway. The Militarum defenders closed the cap with reinforcements from within the city proper. The next day saw the defenders counter-attack as the battle intensified. More and more guardsmen and tanks poured from the gates to assault the Rift Wardens position. The space marines killed hundreds of guardsmen but more continued to attack. Eventually the Rift Wardens position became untenable and Arthurus ordered a retreat to regroup.

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