Saturday, 24 September 2022

Assault The Hive - Talos

Points: 1000.

Mission: Deliverance.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Grind Them Down and Retrieve Nephilim Data.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, Grind Them Down and Raise The Banners High.

A decision was made to launch an attack upon a spawning hive close to the main battle lines. The plan being to destroy the Tyranids easiest method of reinforcing their ground troops. The Rift Wardens launched the attack swiftly and efficiently, but despite causing many casualties, the Tyranids held the site against them. Imperial command made it very clear to the chapter that taking out this side was of paramount importance.

Two days later the Rift Wardens attacked again and this time they overran the outer defences. Their objective was at hand! They captured and incinerated several of the outer spawning sites whilst fending off repeated counter-attacks.

The Rift Wardens established a small bridgehead despite the sheer number of bio-organisms arrayed against them. The Tyranids managing to keep the attacking space marines from the centre of their hive. The Hive Mind planned to divert attacking organisms from the front lines to bolster the defence, which would trap the space marines between them, or at least abandon their activities. 

The Rift Warden pressure on the Tyranids was so great that the Hive Mind was forced to pull more and more of it's bio-organisms from the front lines. A steadily increasing number of bio-organisms, ranging from gaunts up to monstrous creatures descended upon the Rift Wardens. With a such a force threatening to contain and overrun them, the Rift Wardens fell back to the Imperial lines. Although the mission had not gone to plan, the damage had been done and the front lines were able to breath a sigh of relief for a short time.

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