Saturday, 24 September 2022

Battle of the Vestigia River - Grendel

Points: 1000.

Mission: Rise Of The Machine Spirit.

Secondary Objectives: Abhor The Witch, Assassination, and Retrieve Nephilim Data.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Assassination, Engage On All Fronts and Psychic Interrogation.

The Rift Wardens reached the Vestigia River as they pursued the Grey Knights they defeated earlier that day. The Grey Knights had a handful of firebases on the west bank which were fully occupied. Even so these were excellent targets for the long range space marine firepower. Castellan Crowe, commander of the Grey Knights present, sent forth his troops to attack the Rift Wardens left flank. Due to intercepted Grey Knight communications, the Rift Wardens were prepared for this attack. As the Rift Wardens approached, the Grey Knights charged from their positions along the river's edge. 

It now became the intention of Arthurus and his captains to try and tie down as much of the Grey Knight strength as possible. He ordered the third and fourth "companies" to cross the river but after two days they had failed to breach even the banks as the Grey Knights fought back hard. Unlike their previous encounter, this time the Grey Knights poured their hatred into their psychic attacks slaying many battle brothers. From the enemy fortifications on the far side of the river, massed bolter fire continued to poor into the space marines.

Arthurus was forced to sent more intercessors to reinforce those battle brothers trying to cross the river. The Grey Knights however, had the advantage and cut down many before they could achieve their objective. After two days of heavy fighting the Grey Knights gave up their fire bases and crossed to engage the Rift Wardens in brutal close combat. Arthurus was requested by his captains to withdraw to the southwest and regroup but by the time he agreed, Castellan Crowe with Grey Knight reinforcements had cut him off from the south. Arthurus ordered a retreat back to their base of operations. Crowe ordered the Grey Knights to pursue.

Soon the Rift Wardens found themselves under assault and by a force too powerful to dislodge. Piecemeal they had to fall back. Arthurus planned to try and ambush the enemy closer to their base of operations where the chapter had the numbers. However, those reinforcements were unable to successfully execute such a manoeuvre due to enemy numbers. The Grey Knights had enough battle brothers at their disposal to drive them back but for now not to assault the Rift Wardens base of operations.

The initial victory had been undone all too easily.

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