Thursday, 13 October 2022

Jungle Warfare - Bellaraphon

Points: 1500.

Mission: Abandoned Sanctuaries.

Secondary Objectives: Assassination, Raise The Banners High and Shock Tactics.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: A Deadly Performance, Engage On All Fronts and Raise The Banners High.

After the Harlequin raiders reappeared in the forests of Bellaraphon, they attacked a Rift Wardens outpost forcing the outmatched space marines to fall back into the dense forest. One group withdrew along a game trail that headed north towards the main Mechanicus facility, while another was forced deeper into the woods. The largest group, led by Arthurus and lieutenant Agrippa, moved southeast along an open road constructed by the Mechanicum for transporting supplies between facilities. During this retreat, the Rift Wardens were hounded by Harlequin raiders but killed or destroyed much of what was sent against them. The Harlequin troupe leader feared that the space marines would continue to pose a significant threat , prompting further attacks.

During the retreat, the Rift Wardens continued to combat the aggressors as they moved. A small group entrenched themselves in an old supply depot with the intent to buy their battle brothers time to reach safety. Their occupation of this site was seen as a great danger as the Rift Wardens were too close to the webway portal used by the Ynnari to arrive. Two days later, the Harlequins attacked with even greater numbers, assaulting the space marine positions. They came under intense fire from the entrenched Rift Wardens but it did not stop their attack. After two hours of fighting, the space marines forced their way out and back into the jungle with the aliens pursuing them back to the Mechanicus compound, at which time the Harlequins faded away into the shadows.

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