Wednesday, 12 October 2022

The Defence of Hindelgeist - Dharrovar

Points: 1500.

Mission: Tide of Conviction.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Oaths of Moment and Retrieve Nephilim Data.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, Grind Them Down and Renew The Oaths.

With the Imperial forces pulling back from the hive city of Hindelgeist, the defenders opened the gates and marched out into the surrounding battle zone. One battle group of Knights reached the territory occupied by the Rift Wardens and effectively reinforced the beleaguered traitorus gaurdsmen, while a second group smashed into the Astra Militarum lines further north. After five days of heavy fighting, the Imperial forces had lost an uncounted number of foot soldiers and tanks. Arthurus proposed his marines launch an offensive towards the largely unprotected city gates. Partly this was an attempt to gain access but also to draw a number of enemy Knights away from the Imperial lines. The attack was postponed as the Rift Wardens command base fell under enemy attack. The space marines retaliated and were able to slowly push the enemy Knights back towards the city. After a brief lull to rearm and regroup, the Rift Wardens resumed their attack on the enemy and the gates. For four full days the Rift Wardens fought hard and valiantly.

With the space marines drawing the wrath of the enemy defenders, the Astra Militarum surged forth once more towards the city gates but were repulsed by massed small-arms fire from the battlements. The northern gates eventually did fall and the soldiers of the Imperium charged into the city streets where they found themselves checked by enemy guardsmen and more enemy Knights. The defenders were forced back by the Imperial assault but further attacks were repulsed, confining the Imperium to the gates. On the next day, an unprecedented bombardment fell upon the defenders from artillery platforms still beyond the walls. The Rift Wardens attempted to lead the vanguard into the city streets but Astra Militarum support was not forthcoming and their advance was contained several blocks in from the city gates. By this time both sides were exhausted and brief lull in the fighting came into effect. The number of Knights on the enemy side had been slashed in half but nearly a million guardsmen had died to breach the gates of Hindelgeist.

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