Monday, 14 November 2022

Battle of New Vitae Docks - Mortwald

Points: 2000.

Mission: Tear Down Their Icons.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Engage On All Fronts and Raise The Banners High.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Behind Enemy Lines, Exalt The Dark Gods and Warp Ritual.

The battle of New Vitae Docks was a Rift Wardens counter-attack against the Word Bearers occupying the site. New Vitae Docks was positioned on the eastern side of the hive sprawl. A large portion of the Rift Wardens had withdrawn to this position following frequent attacks by the Word Bearers and their daemon engines. Following the traitor marine assaults at Electros Hive, the Rift Wardens withdrew to the eastern walls. This allowed the Word Bearers to occupy New Vitae Docks unopposed. 

With the Word Bearers capturing territory this prompted a Rift Warden counter-attack to retake the docks. The chapter's librarians flooded the aether with psychic interference to impede enemy communications. The Word Bearers constructed a ring of defences around their forward positions. The Rift Wardens force of company strength attacked and was repelled after suffering significant casualties.

The space marine assault was conducted simultaneously on two enemy held positions. The Word Bearers has constructed numerous entrenchments and fortifications in preparation for the  Rift Wardens attack. A number of infantry assaults against the Word Bearers positions were carried out but each failed and after which the chapter withdrew.

The result of the battle was a successful Word Bearers defence in the region around the docks.It consolidated chaos marine control in the region and allowed further pushes towards the interior of the hive sprawl. Following this battle, Arthurus requested Imperial command that his chapter stop being spread so thin across the warzones of Vigilus as the chapter was suffering untenable losses fighting multiple opponents on multiple fronts.

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