Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Shanty Town Slaughter - Megaborealis

Points: 2000.

Mission: Tide Of Conviction.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Grind Them Down and Retrieve Nephilim Data.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, Grind Them Down and Retrieve Nephilim Data.

After the engagements out in the wastelands, the Rift Wardens have determined that Be'lakor's daemonic horde was headed towards Megaborealism, the Mechanicum's hivesprawl, the source of food and fresh water for the other hive cities. They alerted the Mechanicus and deployed via thunderhawk to an outlaying abandoned shanty town in the hopes in buying the Cult of Mars some time to bolster their defences.

The recent defeats at the hands of the Disciples of Be'lakor prompted Arthurus to face them again. The chapter needed a victory. Three days after the chapter had deployed, the librarians reported Warp interference and that meant that the daemons were near. The daemons had used their time to deploy as a ring in the wastelands around the space marine positions. Once in position, Be'lakor bellowed his commands and the daemons assaulted the space marines but were pushed back suffering significant casualties.

While the Rift Wardens fought to hold the enemy at bay, groups of daemons manifested in the streets behind and the space marines were forced into a defensive conflict on two fronts. The Rift Wardens defending the shanty had constructed a number of entrenchments and fortifications in preparation for the daemon attack. Arthurus ordered a number of battle brothers to assault the main force when it became apparent that holding the line would not work. A number of infantry assaults were carried but each failed and the Arthurus resolved to fight surrounded by the enemy. At least they were not attacking the city.

The eventual result of the battle was a successful daemonic incursion into the shanty. Under threat of extinction, the chapter evacuated via thunderhawks and stormravens. The daemons consolidated control in the region and allowed them to push into the walls of Megaborealis. The Mechanicus reluctantly requested a detachment of Rift Wardens to remain to provide additional fire support and Arthurus agreed. The daemons launched multiple attacks upon the walls but failed. For now, the Disciple's of Be'lakor were locked out of the city walls but once again had inflicted significant casualties upon the Rift Wardens.

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