Friday, 20 January 2023

Battle of Krithian Peninsula - Talos


Power Level: 60.

Mission: Supplies From Above.

Agendas: Angels of Death, Reaper and Recover Mission Archives.

Opponent's Agendas: Hunt And Slay, Lord Of The Warp and Sentinel.

On the day in question, the Rift Wardens landed at five vital locations around the Krithian Peninsula in the path of the oncoming Tyranid horde. Landing sites Alpha and Beta were hotly contested and the chapter suffered heavy casualties. A supporting landing made at Lamba site on the coastline to the north were made without opposition but the marines had no specific orders so made made no attempt to advance and just fortified their position. The first day objectives of several defensible locations were virtually undefended. The Rift Wardens forfeited an opportunity for an early success when they were forced back from Beta site when the Tyranids arrived.

After much fighting, the space marines were able to secure the main landing sites. After a diversionary raid further up the coast, the chapter managed to bolster their lines. By afternoon on the second day, the Rift Wardens were able to make an advance of about two miles up the peninsula towards the primary objectives, ready for the main assault the following day. The success of the Tyranid defence, led the Rift Wardens to overestimate the opposition they faces. The Tyranid presence was actually outnumbered but believing their numbers higher, Arthurus assumed that the enemy was receiving a constant supply of reinforcements.

The main battle commenced in the morning of the fourth day with the chapter's thunderhawks performing a number of aerial strikes. The plan of advance was for the one company strength force to hold position on the right flank while the main force captured a series of tactical locations. The plan was poorly communicated to the various lieutenants who would be leading the individual attacks. One detachment remained far from the front, because of this, they were not able to exert any control as the attack developed. The initial advances were east but a pockets of Tyranid resistance were encountered, some stretches of the line were held up while others kept advancing and ended up outflanked. As the marines advanced further up the peninsula, the terrain became more difficult as they encountered a series of deep ravines.

On the extreme left, the Rift Wardens descended into a ravine but were halted by a surge of ravening bio-organisms. No further advance would be made until Arthurus arrived to lead their attack. When Arthurus was sorely wounded and required extraction that the chapter was forced to call off the attack. Significant damage had been inflicted on the Tyranids presence but it was not enough and the Krithian Peninsula was overrun by the enemy.

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