Friday, 20 January 2023

Battle Beyond The Walls - Vigilus Wastelands / Dontoria Hivesprawl


Points: 1000.

Mission: Ascension.

Secondary Objectives: Oaths of Moment, Shock Tactics, and Raise The Banners High.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Assassination, Engage On All Fronts, and Grind Them Down.

Nearly three years into the Vigilus war, the Orks were concentrated in the wastelands mainly south of Dontoria Hivesprawl, leaving their scrap cities largely undefended. Following the failed attempts by the Imperium to destroy the scrap cities two years earlier, the Ork speedwaagh in the area had substantial freedom of movement. This allowed the Orks to conduct a number of raids on Astra Militarum fortifications surrounding Dontoria. 

Then, one morning, as the sun rose above the horizon, the Orks surrounded and attacked the defence fort on the approach to the hivesprawl. Early in the battle, the Ork warboss was killed and chapter master Arthurus seriously injured as a immense Gorganaut exploded spectacularly. This left lieutenant Agrippa to lead the Rift Warden defence of the fort. The Orks brought up killa kans and deffkoptas, whose weapons were able to inflict considerable damage to the fort's defences. Despite having superiority in weapons and defences, the Rift Wardens were unable to prevent the Orks from breaking into the fort. Around middday after several hours of fighting, the Rift Wardens withdrew back to Dontoria, leaving the Astra Militarum to continue fighting the Orks.

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