Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Darkness Rising - Storvahl

Power Level: 50.

Mission: The Ritual.

Agendas: Angels of Death and Reaper.

Opponent's Agendas: Breakthrough and Nocturnal Warfare.

Other than a handful of attempts by the Greenskins to breach the walls of Storvahl, this hive city has largely weathered the war for Vigilus unharmed. Storvahl is the in equatorial zone and the main source of energy on Vigilus. The sprawl is home to vast farm-generators which harness the volcanic power of the planet. Because of this a detachment of Rift Wardens and a handful of other chapters had been assigned to the quiet duty of defending the hive. That peace was about to change as from the shadows emerged a new threat.

The Night Lord attack began as darkness fell. Legionnaire squads assaulted Astra Militarum guard posts across the city. Significant damage was inflicted but the Rift Wardens responded quickly and the Night Lords came under heavy small arms fire across the city. The main assault arose in the north of the hive and the Night Lords secured a large area and while smaller detachments spread through the city causing terror in the Mechanicum and civilian populations. The main force dug in however and awaited the Rift Warden counter-attack. Through the night they consolidated control over various districts. However, supplying the legionnaire squads out in the field became difficult and impossible as daylight broke, with increased attacks by the Rift Wardens. At this point, the Night Lords stormed the Rift Warden defences but massed bolter fire forced them back.

The Night Lords commander led an attack towards the centre of the hive, but their advanced was slowed due to the layout of the hive's streets. Bike squads roamed ahead however and allowed them to clean the way for the main force. This advance was halted when chapter master Arthurus, who was in Storvahl briefly to oversee his brother stationed here, entered the fray. Leading his brothers he advanced into the Night Lords lines. Under his leadership the chapter recaptured large swathes of territory. Meanwhile, the main Night Lord force continued forwards with their commander calling in for aid from the disparate legionnaire squads around the city. Many of them, however, never arrived for reasons unknown. 

The initial Night Lord surprise attack had not gone to plan and now the legion found itself fighting a battle-hardened Rift Wardens. Unknown to both however, something was waiting in the shadows and watching.

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