Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Hold The Line - Vigilus Wastelands / Dontoria Hivesprawl


Points: 1000.

Mission: Sacred Ground.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Shock Tactics, and Raise The Banners High.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Behind Enemy Lines, Bring It Down, and Grind Them Down.

The Rift Warden counter attack occurred the following day after the Ork attack. The Orks had decimated the Astra Militarum defenders and the Rift Wardens were soon halted by the immense horde of Greenskins. The chapter succeeded in recapturing one of the forts and their battle brothers rallied around it. Over the next two days the Rift Wardens fought but were unable to slay enough of the Orks.

On the morning of the third day of battle, the chapter was reinforced by Arthurus leading a force of aggressors but even their presence was not enough and they took heavy losses. The chapter was now pinned down, and could not advance or retreat. Despite their predicament, Arthurus ordered his battle brothers to continue the attack and slay as many of the Orks as they could.

Captain Lamorak gave up defending the outer walls of Dontoria to aid his chapter master. Under his command, his detachment fought through the Ork lines reach the defenders although he lost around half his force in casualties. With his assistance, Arthurus ordered an withdraw to the hive city walls. On the horizon however, more Orks were incoming.

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