Monday, 27 March 2023

Second Battle of Krithian Peninsula - Talos

 Points: 750

Imperial command made the decision that the Astra Militarum artillery support that had been requested by the Rift Wardens would not be forthcoming, being diverted to other war zones. This stalled the Rift Warden attack on the Tyranid forces while they waited to see if the support would become available. As a consequence the Krithian Peninusla became overrun with bio-organisms and the Rift Wardens faced severe opposition. 

When that artillery support failed to manifest, the Rift Wardens moved forward to directly engage the  Tyranid forces. Initially, the smaller bio-organisms abandoned their positions and fell back. The Rift Wardens cautiously occupied those positions. The battlefield was oddly quiet and the vanguard detachment reached their objective quite quickly while the flanking detachments approached more slowly. Suddenly, with a scream, the Tyranids charged from cover towards the space marines who attempted to counter-charge. Most of the Tyranids were stopped by heavy bolter and bolt rifle fire.

The space marine survivours consolidated their position in a series of make-shift trenches and were relieved by aggressors, leaving the battle brothers to concentrate on securing and bolstering their defences. The right flank was having difficulties however, as they faced a significant force of larger monstrous organisms. Those that survived the attack were forced to dig in. The battlefield was now aflame and as night fell, the area was cast into flickering shadow.

On the following day, the attack was reinforced by a second company containing many of the chapter's veteran marines. They were fresh and fully equipped. Charging into battle they cut down many Tyranid creatures while sustaining minimal casualties themselves.

The assault resumed on the third day and further progress was made into enemy controlled territory by the enemy forces were constantly being reinforced by more and more organisms. That evening dreadnoughts were sent in to handle the larger threats but many fell to the enemy. The Rift Wardens had succeeded in capturing vital territory but the Tyranids kept coming. Casualties were mounting and it would only be a matter of time before the chapter would need bolstering if their gains were to be held.

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