Monday, 27 March 2023

Third Battle of Krithian Peninsula - Talos

 Points: 1000.

In many places the Tyranid assault had failed to destroy the Rift Wardens. The Tyranids fired spore mines and explosive ammunition into their lines but these failed to much to the trans-human space marines. Meanwhile the Rift Wardens were inflicting heavy casualties upon the Tyranids. Advancing over open ground within range of the space marine bolsters, the majority of smaller organisms were cut down before they got close. They succeeded in a couple locations but only due to numerical superiority but they so many doing so that those gains could not be exploited.

The Rift Wardens drove out those attackers and improved their defences. Further Tyranid advances were easily repulsed. Tens of thousands of gaunts and other smaller organisms were slain in a matter of hours. Further long range spire mines inflicted no casualties and following this the Tyranid force fell back to regroup.

Arthurus wanted to push forward and drive the Tyranids from the peninsula but his captains cautioned that it would be difficult to do without weakening their position. Arthurus reluctantly agreed and pulled his battle brothers back to hold their hard won gains.

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