Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Blood In The Streets - Mortwald

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Search And Destroy / Chosen Battlefield.

Primary Objective: Vital Ground.

Detachment:  Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Berzerker Warband.

While the Rift Wardens engaged the Knights of House Vextrix to the south of the hivesprawl, the chapter was also forced to content with rampaging warbands of chaos marines. This particular force became a focus for the attention of the World Eaters and their master, Angron. As a critical element in the defence of Mortwald, captain Andred ordered that the streets be held at all costs. Three attempts were made but each was broken up by helbrutes or swept away under an onslaught of chain axes. Despite all attempts, the district was captured by the World Eaters and their activity began to decline for reasons unknown. Desolator squads was used to concentrate heavy missile fire against the approaches where the World Eaters were expected to come from. This bombardment was methodical and relentless. One such highway recieved such a concentration of fire that the Astra Militarum soldiers thereafter named it "Dead Man's Road". The Rift Wardens then brought up tanks and artillery in preparation for another counter-attack. 

When captain Lorgraine arrived, he cancelled the planned counter-attack, choosing to focus on a defensive posture, holding the line against the enemy. Under Angron's lordship, the World Eaters launched numerous attacks. Expecting the loyalists to increase their fire, the World Eaters refused to let up on the punishing assault. The Rift Warden defenders were soon cut down and their skulls raised in honour to the Blood God. Lorgaine and Andred led their survivours out of the district, and sought to regroup with the rest of the chapter.

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