Wednesday, 16 August 2023

The Walls Are Breached - Mortwald

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Search And Destroy / Targets Of Opportunity.

Primary Objective: Purge The Foe.

Detachment: Gladius Strike Force.

Opponent's Detachment: Traitoris Lance.

Having pushed through the Imperial lines outside Mortwald, House Vextrux smashed through the hivesprawl walls in six separate locations and strode into the city streets. The main force occupied the central highway and held it continually throughout the engagement. The lance's attack upon the defenders positions was postponed until night fell and the great rift hung heavy in the night sky. They then marched upon the positions held by the Rift Wardens. Due to some internal infighting among the Knights, this gave the space marines an opportunity to bolster their defences to some extent. Finally, House Vetrix strode down the streets and assaulted their positions.

House Vextrix' plan called for their forces to attack the Rift Warden defences from the south, advancing in three stages about thirty minutes apart, while further Vextrix forces encircled and came in from the north to attack the Rift Wardens from behind. This initial attack from the north was repulsed however. The preparation for the attack involved a through bombardment with heavy cannons and this lasted for several hours. Small Karnivores and other lesser Knights then crept into no man's land under cover of this devastating fire, and then rushed the space marine trenches. The first stage then assaulted from the south.

The second stage saw Vextrix advance to the edge of the defenders positions, stalking through what remained of fallen hab blocks. The weary Rift Wardens fell back unable to handle the constant hail of fire. The Knights had intended to push further into the city but this was halted by strong resistance from the Rift Wardens in dugouts and armed with heavy weapons, and partly the confusion of rubble caused by collapsing buildings. After hours of constant warfare had reduced one sector to a field of craters, it became virtually impossible to distinguish where the battle lines were.

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