Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Battle for Outpost Goliath - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 1200.

Mission: Insurgency

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Traitoris Lance.

Agendas: Drive Them Back, Monstrous Targets and Recover Mission Archives.

Opponent's Agendas: Battlefield Survivours and Critical Objectives.

The assault on the Rift Wardens position at Outpost Goliath started mid morning with several Chaos Knights advancing on a forward fire base from the desert wastes. They successfully took the position by assault and fortified their location about a half mile from the space marine trenches.

As the sun rose above the horizon, the Chaos Knights reached the foot of a high ridge, where the Rift Wardens lay waiting. The attackers split into two waves, both of which reached their objectives at the same time. One force slaughtered their way through numerous space marines in the north redoubt, where the Rift Wardens resistance was not as heavy as other locations. But to the south, the resistance was much more effective.

The Rift Wardens quickly reorganized their forces and counter-attacked. Through this attack they reoccupied the greater part of their position although within an hour they were pushed out and the north redoubt firmly returned to traitor control. The Knights paid a heavy price in manpower during this engagement.

Arthurus ordered several counter-attacks along the front and it was not until two hours of close quarters combat that the Chaos Knights secured more territory. Arthurus personally led a flanking attempt but overshot the objective and came under heavy fire. The force took heavy casualties. Arthrus and lieutenant Tristan were almost killed by the enemy and barely escaped with their lives.

To the south, one force of Chaos Knights advanced and over three hours drove the Rift Wardens from their trench lines. However, the attacking forces unexpectedly opened up avenues of retreat for the Rift Wardens, and over several hours of fighting, they fell back into the deserts leaving the enemy in control of Outpost Goliath,

Thursday, 16 November 2023

Defence of Hive Galathon - Corinthia

Points: 1500.

Deployment and Mission: Sweeping Engagement / Vox Static.

Primary Objective: Purge The Foe.

Detachment: Vanguard Spearhead.

Opponents Detachment: Kauyon.

The Defence of Hive Galathon was a military engagement fought between the Rift Wardens chapter and the Tau Empire, during the Corinthian campaign. Galathon was defended by a strongly entrenched Rift Warden force, which had been reinforced while the Tau were busy elsewhere across the planet. The space marines manned the hive's defences and a line of strong redoubts which extended eastwards along a trade road. The defenders were attacked by a Tau expeditionary force made up of three infantry divisions supported by numerous battle suits. However, the strength of the Rift Wardens, their entrenchments and supporting vanguard forces decimated the Tau attackers.

Tuesday, 14 November 2023

Battle Of Revenant's Run - Vanaheim

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Dawn Of War / Chilling Rain.

Primary Objective: Purge The Foe.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force..

Opponents Detachment: Champions Of Russ.

The battle of Revanant's Run was an early Rift Wardens operation against the Space Wolves. The first part of the offensive was intended to be strategically decisive by breaking through the Space Wolves defences within 48 hours, with casualties within expected norms. A preliminary attack was to be made by the force under Captain Lorgraine, to capture high ground and divert enemy reserves from the front lines. The main offensive was to be delivered by the larger force on the region known as Revenant's Run. A subsidiary attack was to be made by drop pod assault. The final stage of the offensive was to follow the meeting of the various forces, having broken through the Space Wolves lines, to pursue the defeated enemy forces.

The Rift Wardens attack was tactically successful as their did capture the Space Wolves defences before further attacks were repulsed. Lorgraine's force achieved the deepest advance since the engagement began, inflicting many casualties on the enemy space marines, attracted reserves and captured Revanant's Run. 

Sunday, 5 November 2023

Second Battle of Look Out Point - Pariah Nexus

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Search And Destroy / Chilling Rain.

Primary Objective: Take And Hold.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force..

Opponents Detachment: Awakened Dynasty.

The second battle for Look Out Point was an Imperial offensive during the war for Hell's Point. For the best part of a week, the Rift Wardens led an attack against the Necron defences overlooking the Hell's Point tomb complex. The Rift Wardens achieved the longest advance since the engagement began, The advance did slow over the next few days and the Necron defences recovered. The  battle became a costly stalemate for both sides and by the end of the battle, the Imperial forces had suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties.

Saturday, 4 November 2023

The Walls of Hyperia - Hyperia Hivesprawl


Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Dawn of War / Chosen Battlefield.

Primary Objective: Priority Targets.

Detachment: Anvil Seige Force.

Opponents Detachment: Battle Host.

The Aeldari force that had fought it's way across the Vigilus wastelands finally reached the Hyperia Hivesprawl. Having determined that the xenos force was seeking entry, the Rift Wardens and the Sororitas came to a truce, and faced down the aliens.

This battle was part of the revenge plot of the Aeldari. They had come to help against the forces of Chaos only to be targeted by the Imperium as yet another alien threat. The combatants were the Aeldari against the Rift Wardens and the Sisters Sororitas. The battle took place over four days. The first engagement was intended to attract the Rift Wardens out of the city, before they could attempt a decisive offensive.

The Aeldari forces were to capture the Imperial held high group, an escarpment on the north side of the battle grid. This would protect the Aeldari forces from Imperial indirect fire. Supported by a host of wraithguard, the Aeldari captured most of the high ground on the first day. The main line fell on the second day, as did the road into the hive sprawl, once the Aeldari overran a salient against considerable Imperial defence. The final objective, the city gates fell soon after, and the Rift Wardens fell back to defend the streets of Hyperia.

First Battle of Vardenghast - Talos

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Hammer And Anvil / Hidden Supplies.

Primary Objective: Deploy Servo Skulls..

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Crusher Stampede.

The first battle of Vardenghast was the first attempt by the hive mind to breach the hive city's defences. Fighting took place in and around the outer defences as a host of monstrous creatures slammed into the Imperial defenders. Late in the afternoon, on the verge of breaching the gates, the Tyranids fell back as more and more defenders arrived via orbital insertion. The Tyranid defeat was followed a few hours later by an even more emphatic defeat at the main hive gates.

By morning, a Tyranid victory along the outer walls ended the possibility of any land-based reinforcements. The hive mind secured the space port, severing supply points and damaging water supplies to the hive. This brought the hive mind within striking distance of the city proper.

By midday, Vardenghast was attacked by a host of monstrous creatures supported by wave after wave of gaunts. This attack was protected from the threat of orbital reserves by a screen of flying horrors dominating the skies. The monsters attacked from the south and southeast but was strong resistance from the Rift Wardens. While the flying monsters continued to hold off Imperial air support, the Tyranids attacked Vardenghast from the north. They succeeded in entering the hive in small numbers. However, the determination of the Imperial defenders and the renewed threat of Imperial orbital reinforcements resulted in the Tyranids falling back once again, giving the defenders time to shore up the barricades.

Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Operation Annihilation: Counter-Attack! - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Dawn Of War / Targets Of Opportunity.

Primary Objective: Purge The Foe.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Waaagh! Tribe.

Captain Gwaine's advance through the giant scrap city was delayed by Ork rearguard units, and the Orks used this to delay to heavily fortify their positions along a low ridge stretching through the ramshackle buildings north of the expected battleline. 

The Rift Wardens force contained a mix of heavy infantry, 1st company aggressors and a detachment of outriders. Gwaine decided to use his forces to directly assault the Ork positions while the outriders flanked around to the East. This strategy depended on surprise, an element which was lost when spotted by a greenskin patrol. Aerial reconnaissance detected Ork movement to reinforce their east flank but Gwaine decided to proceed regardless.

The battle opened shortly before dawn. The outriders did not flank far enough east and attacked the Ork position where it had been reinforced instead of circling around the trenches. The main infantry suffered significant losses and was only able to withdraw once the aggressors with Gwaine launched an attack on the center of the Ork trenches. At the end of the day, Gwaine broke off the engagement to prevent further casualties.

The Line Falls - Omegon Theta

  Points: 2000. Deployment and Mission: Tipping Point / Fog of War. Primary Objective: Scorched Earth. Detachment: Gladius Task Force. O...