Saturday, 2 March 2024

Battle Of Cerberus Woods - Hesperus Prime

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Crucible Of Battle / Hidden Supplies.

Primary Objective: Supply Drop.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Ironstorm Spearhead.

The battle of Cerberus Woods took place over a week during the Dendelgheist campaign. The battle was fought in the outskirts of the hive. The area had been destroyed by the huge quantity of shellfire from both sides, and the area had changed hands several times.

Grand Master Azrael continued the Dark Angels general attacks with limited objectives. The attacks were led by squads of scout and bladeguard, followed by small numbers of dreadnoughts with a increased amount of heavy weapons support, with the scouts advancing behind waves of creeping barrage.

The advance was planned to cover 3000 feet and stop of reverse slopes, which were easy to defend, enclosing ground which gave observation of Rift Warden reinforcements routes and counter-attack assembly areas. Preparations were then made swiftly to defeat Rift Warden counter-attacks, by mopping up and consolidating the captured ground with defences. The attack inflicted a severe blow to the Rift Wardens, causing many losses and capturing a significant portion of the battle grid, which threatened the Rift Warden hold on the area.

The dry weather continued to benefit the Dark Angels by solidifying the ground and raising dust clouds which obscured the bladeguard attacks around dawn. The dust cleared during the morning and revealed the Rift Wardens to air and ground observation. The Rift Wardens counter-attacked repeatedly but these efforts failed and the space marines hastily fortified their positions after the battle.

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