Wednesday, 10 April 2024

Battle of Rejuvenus Strongpoint - Mortwald

Points: 1600.

Mission: False Intel.

Detachment: Anvil Seige Force.

Opponents Detachment: Traitoris Lance.

Agendas: Calculated Devastation, Monstrous Targets and Priority Kill Zone.

Opponent's Agendas: Calculated Devastation and Reestablish Communications.

The Battle of Rejuvenus Strongpoint took place over several days. Traitor units of House Vextrix with daemonic allies, fought with the Imperial defenders over the control of a major district of Mortwald Hivesprawl.

Chaos victories within the Hive caused Arthurus to create a flexible tactical-operational force of Rift Wardens to combat the enemy within this theatre of the war. He would lead this force specifically t drive the enemy from the streets of Mortwald.

A force of thirty traitor Knights under the clashed for the first time with the Imperial defenders and pushed through their lines. Vextrix captured several outer districts but their ultimate goal was the Rejuvenus fortress at the heart of the district. It's capture would allow the traitor forces of Abaddon a position for his troops present to regroup and organise an effective defence of the district. The siege of this fortress began on the second day of the attack and resulted in all 7000 Imperial guardsmen slain. In addition to the capture of the fotress, Vextrix captured large warehouses of supplies and ammunition. The Rift Wardens attempted several assaults to recapture the district but they all failed. Arthurus was forced to pull his forces back, regroup and strategize a new victory.

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