Sunday, 5 May 2024

Battle of Nocturne Transit Station 2245 - Dontoria Hivespawl

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Search And Destroy / Chosen Battlefield.

Primary Objective: Sites Of Power.

Detachment: Ironstorm Spearhead.

Opponents Detachment: Plague Company.

The battle of Nocturne Transit Station 2245 was a battle fought following the collapse of the Nocturne Gate, and saw the Death Guard continue to apply pressure on the Rift Warden defenders.

The battle was fought around the Nocturne Transit Station that branched out across the hivesprawl. The Rift Warden survivors had fortified the sight and was the first target for Typhus and his allies. After weeks of desperate entrenched fighting, Typhus launched his forces decisive attack and finally smashed the space marine defence. The last two days of fighting were some of the most fierce fighting in the entire war for Dontoria. The Rift Warden defenders were massacred to a man and their gene seed corrupted and lost.

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