Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Operation Annihilation: The Second Battle Of Skumtown - Vigilus Wastelands


Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Crucible Of Battle / Sweep And Clear.

Primary Objective: Scorched Earth.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: War Horde.

As the Imperial offensive against the Ork base of operations failed over the last few weeks, the Orks launched their own counter-operation against them. Their limited tactical goal in the area known as Skumtown was to encircle the Rift Wardens and krump them proper. Heavy fighting broke out immediately and the space marine lines collapsed, and the Rift Wardens withdrew towards their allies but the Orks had successfully outmaneuvered them. The Rift Warden command ordered their battle brothers to occupy the ramshackle buildings and defend for as long as possible. The Orks besieged their positions with the largest number of Boyz seen in the war so far. Related engagements were fought in the surrounding areas as some Rift Wardens squads found themselves cut off from their battle brothers.

Over the next few days the two forces clashed multiple times but the Orks were repelled each time. The greenskins brought up heavy walkers ad started firing onto the space marine positions, and the Rift Wardens were forced to evacuate eastwards. The Orks captured their former positions, but using land raiders and spartans, the Rift Wardens managed to fight their way through the advancing Orks.

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