Sunday, 5 May 2024

The Fall of KastleHall - Antares

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Dawn Of War / Maelstrom Of Battle / Minefields / Vox Static.

Primary Objective: The Ritual.

Detachment: Ironstorm Spearhead.

Opponents Detachment: Shield Host.

In the aftermath of the battle for the fortress of KastleHall, Arthurus brooded on how to secure a victory against the Custodes and eventually he formulated a plan. Rather than risk hundreds of his battle brothers, he ordered the Techmarines to awaken every dreadnought the chapter had, and they would capture the fortress for the chapter.

When the Rift Wardens returned with a veritable army of dreadnoughts at their head, they captured the surrounding lands and encircled the fortress of KastleHall. The dreadnoughts performed far better than Arthurus had anticipated and many of the Custodes were slain or executed by the chapter in the aftermatch. Only Trajan Valoris was left alive and as a hero of the Imperium, Arthurus had him released back to his brothers. This was just the first victory in the retaking of Antares and Arthurus made sure that Valoris knew this.

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