Saturday, 27 July 2024

Battle In The Wastes - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 1600.

Mission: Overwhelming Dread.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Traitoris Lance.

Agendas: Calculated Devastation, Monstrous Targets and Priority Kill Zone.

Opponent's Agendas: Critical Objectives and To The Last.

As the sun rose over the deserts of Vigilus, the Rift Wardens chapter of space marines left their trenches following an hour long artillery preparation. Part of this was artillery fire directed an an oncoming traitor Knight lance advancing on the Imperial lines. A rolling barrage of artillery fore was calculated to give the Rift Wardens time to keep up behind it.

The Rift Wardens, led by chapter master Arthurus plus a handful of veteran aggressors and several land raiders captured territory from the enemy forces. This objective was situated on a high ground surrounded by broken rocks, making it an ideal observation for monitoring the Chaos Knights.

Because the Rift Wardens did not have them at hand, the Imperial Navy provided air cover, multiple artillery regiments and multiple guardsmen squads. The Rift Wardens themselves brought their own land raiders and spartans, whose purpose was to eliminate the smaller Karnivore engines. With the Astra Militarum artillery to aid them, Arthurus' battle brothers were victorious in destroying the enemy Knights. A much needed victory for the chapter.

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