Monday, 12 August 2024

Second Battle of Cemetery Fields - St Keeler's Rest

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Hammer And Anvil / Minefields.

Primary Objective: Scorched Earth.

Detachment: Anvil Siege Force.

Opponents Detachment: Hallowed Martyrs.

Preliminary moves began during the night, as the Sororitas companies were brought up to Cemetery Fields, to the assembly areas along the front. The assault would be carried out by three of the four companies. The fourth was held in reserve and it subsequently occupied a depth position with several battle sister squads along the line that had been held. Paragon Warsuits were positioned a little further back. Even so, the Soroitas advance was slow going and as a result their initial targets could not be occupied before night fell that evening.

Throughout the day the weather had been clear and bright, and the Sisters in the assembly areas kept occupied with battle preparations. The need for some secrecy was important and the Sisters were under strict instructions to remain out of sight. Nevertheless, the Rift Wardens ultimately detected the Sororitas preparations and in the early evening, Rift Warden aircraft overflew the assembly area. An hour later, five Stormtalons flew across the front. This presaged a heavy tank bombardment soon after, but it was brief and resulted in only a handful of casualties among the Sororitas. Meanwhile, the space marines were placed on high alert in anticipation of a renewed attack.

As the dust settled, the Sorotias returned the bombardment with Exorcist missile tanks. The Sisters infantry assembled and awaited for the order to attack. Fifteen minutes later, as night began to fall, the Sisters attack began, under continued missile artillery barrage. Meanwhile, two other companies were held in reserve by Morvenn Vahl, ready to attack to the flanks. Her plan was to deceive the Rift Wardens into thinking the assault was being carried out across a larger front.

The Sisters advanced under the creeping barrage, with the Exorcists carefully planning the advance to avoid shelling their own forces. Nevertheless, some casualties were experienced due to friendly fire shrapnel. Heavy bolter fire was laid down down by the space marines, but in places this lacked support as the Sisters' bombardment forced the defending marines to remain in their trenches, while others withdrew. Resistance was strongest at the center of the battlefield. As the assault developed, the defence grew more stubborn as the Rift Wardens reorganised. This resistance was overwhelmed and within an hour, the Sisters had achieved their objective.

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