Sunday, 28 August 2022

Retribution - Hesperous Prime


Points: 1000.

Mission: Ascension.

Secondary Objectives: Assassination, Retrieve Nephilim Data and Shock Tactics

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Grind Them Down, Martial Indication and Stubborn Defiance.

From the war against the Alpha Legion, the Dark Angels had constructed five firebases, each of which was situated to give supporting fire to one another if needed. The earthworks included deep trenches and dugouts with overhead protection. The Dark Angels viewed these firebases as almost impregnable.

Dark Angel forces under the command of an interrogator chaplain split from the retreating companies and turned southwards towards these firebases. Upon arrival they bolstered the defences in preparation for the expected Rift Warden attack. The chapter was on the backfoot and needed to slow down the Rift Warden advance even if it cost the lives of their own to do so. That night the Rift Wardens attacked the fortifications, charging over meters of open ground. After suffering heavy casualties the Rift Wardens succeeded in capturing one of the firebases. The following day, the Dark Angels counter-attacked and somehow forced the Rift Wardens out. With the arrival of captain Andred, the Rift Wardens assaulted the firebases again. This time the Dark Angels were destroyed completely, including the brave chaplain who led this defence. 

The war on Hesperous was not going the way the Dark Angels inner circle had anticipated. 

Seige of Malbolge - Vigilus Wastelands


Points: 1000.

Mission: Sacred Ground.

Secondary Objectives: Assassination, Engage On All Fronts and Retrieve Nephilim Data.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, Grind Them Down and Mutate Landscape.

When not engaging in the continuous wars across Vigilus, Arthurus had his marines occupy and reinforce an old fortress known as Malbolge. This would serve as their own command base away from the Imperial command. The Rift Wardens operated out of this fortress for over a year before it came under attack by the forces of Chaos.

Day 1 to 5.

On the first day, Arthurus received information that a battalion of Thousand Sons were advancing through the wastelands towards Malbolge with obvious intent to assault the fortress. On day two, scout teams spotted them on the horizon engaging Astra Militarum patrols but still on course towards the fortress. On day three land speeders and outriders sortied towards the approaching the foe. Skirmishes took place with enemy vanguard patrols and late in the afternoon the rumble of artillery was heard which raised hopes that the threat of attack would be lifted after two days the wastelands went silent.

On day four, Fortress Malbolge had been surrounded and the fortress defences began speculative bombardments on large clusters of enemy positions, which had little effect. On day five, an outrider force sallied forth from the fortress towards the south and an inconclusive skirmish was fought out in the wastelands. None returned. 

Day 6.

At noon on the sixth day, enemy bombardment and heavy weapons fire commenced on the fortress walls. Within hours the walls were severely damaged and the Rift Wardens were forced to the reinforced central structures. The Thousand Sons artillery concentrated on the permanent fortifications and wherever the Rift Wardens had bolstered barricades. Huge holes were blown in the walls and one shot detonated an ammunition supply killing a number of marines and serfs. The Rift Wardens attempted to reply to the enemy bombardment but the damage had become so severe that the fortress defences had fallen silent, and the chapter had little heavy weapons available to return significant fire.

Day 7 to 8.

After a massive psychic explosion, Arthurus was laid low severely injured during the night of day 7/8. Captain Galadhus took command and his inspiring words raised the morale of the chapter. When the outer walls fell the Thousand Sons marched inside in an attempt to occupy the site. The resulting battle was the beginning of the end.

Day 9 to 10.

Further squads of Rubric Marines advanced into the deluge of bolter and plasma fire and reached the central structures where the Rift Wardens defended. Many of the Rubric marines were gunned down out in the open although as more and more entered Malbolge, the Rift Wardens were forced to abandon certain locations and bolster others. With reluctance Galadhus requested evacuation as soon as possible. The Thousand Sons bombardment began again, reducing more and more of Malbolge to dust around the Rift Wardens.

The artillery soon smashed artillery and infantry positions. The Rift Wardens were soon forced to hunker down behind walls and in makeshift trenches as their defences came apart around them. Parties of enemy marines probed these new defences but concentrated bolter fire forced them to retire to the outer walls.

Day 11 to 12.

The weight of the Thousand Sons attacked increased on the north-east quadrant of the ruined fortress, forcing the defenders to bottleneck their positions and it soon became apparent that the enemy was looking to herd the Rift Wardens into specific overcrowded areas. Galadhus expected the main assault to come any time now as there was nowhere else to fall back to unless evacuation arrived.

The Rift Wardens withstood constant enemy assaults and sustained a great many casualties. At mid-afternoon on the twelfth day aid finally came with the arrival of several Thunderhawk transports from the orbiting fleet above. The remaining battle brothers and Arthurus were evacuated but not before the Thousand Sons were punished for the actions under the extreme firepower of the Thunderhawks. The survivors were immediately evacuated back to the fleet.

Meanwhile down below, the Thousand Sons, bolstered by the reanimation of their fallen Rubrics, continued on towards the hive sprawls beyond the wastelands. When recovered, Arthurus was shocked and dismayed at how powerful a force the sons of Magnus had become. He gathered about him his officers and captains, and began to formulate a plan to destroy the Thousand Sons forces on Vigilus once and for all.

Press The Advantage - Hesperous Prime

Points: 1000.

Mission: Desperate Raid.

Secondary Objectives: Assassination, Engage On All Fronts and Retrieve Nephilim Data.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Oaths of Moment, Raise The Banners High and Stubborn Defiance.

With the Dark Angels in retreat, one captain gathered about him his most experienced battle brothers. They held firm to prevent the Rift Wardens overrunning their forces. Together they launched a counter-attack  despite it leaving them separated from their own forces. Though they might die, they would go down in the records of their chapter.

The Rift Wardens attacked the Dark Angel position with full force and fury. The Rift Wardens had intercepted vox communications and thus were well prepared for what awaited them. The attack was a costly failure but their expectations were bolstered by the arrival of Captain Andred and Lieutenant Agrippa. Under their command advances were made and the Dark Angel force before them was once more forced to fall back. This time the Rift Wardens did not challenge the retreat. The Dark Angels were neither attacked not pursued.

The next day, Andred noted that the fleeing Dark Angels had been forced by terrain to split into two groups, which offered the possibility of an enveloping pincer attack from the flanks. The risk was that should the enemy be reinforced by their battle brothers before them that the Rift Wardens might suffer greater casualties. Andred chose a cautious policy of preventing the danger by targeting one force with everything at his disposal and then moving to eradicate the other, thus lowering the risks to his own forces.

Attempts by the Dark Angels to halt those attacks were repulsed and requests for reinforcements were sent out. With their arrival, Lieutenant Agrippa suggested to his captain that a direct large assault was what was needed here but Andred overruled his request. Although Andred reported his actions as a successful victory to chapter master Arthurus, in truth his own forces had lost a number of battle brothers to death and injury. Andred wisely pulled his forces back and looked at the possibility of flanking the Dark Angels as they further retreated away from the Rift Wardens.

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Andred's Revenge - Hesperous Prime


Points: 1000.

Mission: Sacred Ground.

Secondary Objectives: Assassination, Bolster Barricades and Engage On All Fronts.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, Martial Interdiction and Oaths Of Moment.

On the morning of the battle, the Rift Wardens led by captain Andred entered the warzone and attacked the Dark Angels present. Unlike previous battles where the majority of casualties inflicted by the Dark Angels plasma weaponry, this engagement was a close range fight where the Rift Warden's close range bolter fire caused devastating results upon the Dark Angels.

The Dark Angels deployed their devastator squads some 200 metres behind the rest of their battle brothers, while the Rift Wardens tanks had the range to open fire upon them. With this deployment, the Dark Angels has accidently increased the effectiveness of the Rift Wardens heavy weapons, because without heavy support the Dark Angels lacked the strength to repel their foe.

The Dark Angels fifth company was on the right flank, occupying a series of roads between two of the Hesperous hive cities. Their third company was in the centre of the battlefield, with the fourth company on the left flank. The road had taken heavy damage during the war against the Alpha Legion and has sunk in places, providing inadequate firing positions. In many places the Rift Wardens could close the distance to the Dark Angel positions largely protected from enemy fire. On the right flank, the Rift Wardens marched along the road, rapid bolter fire pouring into the enemy. The Dark Angels suffered heavy casualties and were forced to withdraw.

In the early hours, one of the Dark Angel chaplains decided to strike back at the Rift Wardens, strike hard and then continue to withdraw his forces. The fifth company had a "hold at all costs" mentality and it was evident in their fighting. The second company of the Dark Angels were soon forced to fight a delaying action as the Rift Wardens continued to advance into their lines.

Holding their ground despite many casualties, around noon, the Dark Angel right and the left flank began to collapse. The arrival of Captain Andred provided a boost to the Rift Wardens. He engaged the enemy chaplain and although grievously wounded, Andred was able to lead his battle brothers to victory over the enemy. 

Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Battle of Tannhauser Gate - Dharrovar

Power Level: 45.

Mission: The Ritual.

Agendas: Angels of Death and Priority Target.

Opponent's Agendas: Honour Must Be Satisfied and Kingslayer.

A few weeks into the campaign, the Imperial forces began to advance upon the Tannhauser Hive City. The Rift Wardens are directed to take the centre of the defenders lines, as this was judged to be the weakest point. Little did they realise that the defenders were supported by Knight units. Inititally the Rift Wardens were successful and managed to take control of the Tannhauser Gate, the main entrance into the hive city, while the Astra Militarum pushed on and into the city proper. The Rift Wardens were able to limit the Knight advance, House Hawkshroud in particular, fighting with great tenacity. Imperial attacks across the city were repulsed however by traitor guardsmen. To force further into the streets, the Astra Militarum moved to the centre of the city from the flanks. This manoeuvre was exploited by the Knights and the guardsmen were forced back lest their be destroyed in the close confines of Tannhauser.

During the night, the Knights continued to decimate the Imperial attackers and they concentrated their efforts against the Rift Wardens. They then launched an early morning attack to back the Tannhauser Gate. The Knights attacked en masse against the forces defending it. The effort was a success but the Rift Wardens counter-attacked inflicting light losses upon the knightly house. Even so, this attack had a devastating effect on the Imperial morale who had expected a much easier engagement and should have been celebrating the liberation of the city. The Imperial lines were kept under almost constant bombardment and eventually the Imperial lines fell and retreated.

Friday, 5 August 2022

The Battle for Mortwald - Mortwald

Points: 1500.

Mission: No Man's Land.

Secondary Objectives: Oaths of Moment, Secure No Man's Land and Slay The Warlord.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Despoiled Ground, Slay The Warlord and Spread The Sickness.

After weeks of fighting throughout the outer districts of Mortwald, the Rift Wardens found themselves in danger of being surrounded by ever-increasing numbers of plague marines. Outnumbered, the Rift Wardens continued to resist the Death Guard attacks, especially from the hivesprawl's interior. Things became worse when it was revealed that Mortarion, daemon primarch of the Death Guard, was active upon Vigilus and leading his armies against the Imperium. Arthurus bravely fought Mortarion to a standstill giving his battle brothers time to fall back and regroup beyond the hivesprawl's walls. Things had changed. Not just Abaddon walked the sands of Vigilus but now the master of plagues as well.

The Line Falls - Omegon Theta

  Points: 2000. Deployment and Mission: Tipping Point / Fog of War. Primary Objective: Scorched Earth. Detachment: Gladius Task Force. O...