Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Second Battle of Missionary Point - Dontoria Hivesprawl


Points: 1000.

Mission: Surge of Faith.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, No Prisoners and Shock Tactics.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Behind Enemy Lines, Grind Them Down and  The Sickness.

Due to extensive artillery barrages, the Rift Wardens were able to retake some of the territory lost to Death Guard control, and even attempt to outflank the main enemy force. The main thoroughfare through the sector was the scene of heavy attacks and counter-attacks by the Rift Wardens. During this conflict both sides suffered heavy casualties.

Due to their disgusting resilience, the Death Guard were able to hold their positions despite heavy casualties, which was dwarfed by those suffered by the Rift Wardens. This battle proved Typhus' tactical brilliance despite the limited scope of the conflict.

The Rift Wardens made some progress before they were eventually forced back by the Death Guard, although they did occupy the center of the battle zone for a brief period of time. The flanking force did reach their destination but were met with blightlord terminators and heavy plague mortar fire. Under such heavy fire the chapter was forced to once again fall back to their defences while Typhus' troops continued to hold the battle field.

Monday, 27 March 2023

First Battle For Typhonus City - Typhonus


Points: 1500

With reports of renegade space marines raiding from what used to be called the Maelstrom, the Rift Wardens have been diverted from their patrols to investigate. Arriving at the world of Typhonus the chapter finds it under attack by several small renegade war bands. Arthurus deploys his battle brothers to the planet's capital city and fights to defeat the smaller threats while the chapter launches strategic strikes across the planet.

Upon making planetfall the renegade marines approached the Rift Wardens positions. Their planetfall had been noticed and the forces of Chaos were eager to fight a real opponent over the pathetic planetary defence forces. When they arrived they found the Rift Wardens had heavily fortified their landing zone. Arthurus had laid a plan in motion and phobos units had arrived ahead of the main force and now moved to envelop the oncoming renegades.

Arthurus split his forces into three elements. Two were to march through the side streets and attack the renegades from the rear. Detachmnt A was given the task of clearing out any enemy fortifications near to the Rift Warden landing site. Detachment B was assigned to strike the advancing enemy forces from the rear while Detachment C was to assault from the front with chainsword and power weapons, fixing the enemy in position. Outriders would then circle and flank set up to block any anticipated lines of retreat. However, this would all hinge on how well each detachment performed.

Unfortunately the plan failed almost immediately. It seemed that the renegades were expecting such attack plans and modified their strategy to counter the Rift Wardens assault.

Starting out, detachments A and B advanced, trying to reach their targets in time. Detachment A became disorientated in the ruined streets and were pinned down by enemy fire in the ruins. Detachment B likewise ran into unexpected resistance and were forced to fall back and regroup.

Three hours into the battle, the Rift Wardens were no closer to achieving their aim. Rather than wait for his forces too consolidate, Arthurus ordered his entire force to surge forth and attack the renegade positions. However, without the initial attack's success, the chapter faced more enemy forces than had been expected. The Rift Wardens suffered heavy casualties, leaving the battlefield largely in enemy control. The space marines were now becoming more and more outnumbered. Regretfully, Arthurus pulled his forces back to the landing site and conducted a defensive war. Arthurus hoped that elsewhere across the planet, that his captains were achieving better successes.

Xenos Retaliation - Talos

 Points: 1500

This battle took place shortly after the third battle for the Krithian Peninsula. The Rift Wardens and Tyranids fought to determine control of the borderlands that linked the peninsula to the main continent. Arthurus considered this a test of the strength of the remaining Tyranids and whether it was possible to advance and drive them back once and for all. 

The engagement took place north of the previous battles along the banks of a wide fast flowing river. During a night attack, the Tyranids defeated the Rift Warden forces, driving them back from the defensive positions along the river. This allowed the hive mind to bring up even more reinforcements. 

Third Battle of Krithian Peninsula - Talos

 Points: 1000.

In many places the Tyranid assault had failed to destroy the Rift Wardens. The Tyranids fired spore mines and explosive ammunition into their lines but these failed to much to the trans-human space marines. Meanwhile the Rift Wardens were inflicting heavy casualties upon the Tyranids. Advancing over open ground within range of the space marine bolsters, the majority of smaller organisms were cut down before they got close. They succeeded in a couple locations but only due to numerical superiority but they so many doing so that those gains could not be exploited.

The Rift Wardens drove out those attackers and improved their defences. Further Tyranid advances were easily repulsed. Tens of thousands of gaunts and other smaller organisms were slain in a matter of hours. Further long range spire mines inflicted no casualties and following this the Tyranid force fell back to regroup.

Arthurus wanted to push forward and drive the Tyranids from the peninsula but his captains cautioned that it would be difficult to do without weakening their position. Arthurus reluctantly agreed and pulled his battle brothers back to hold their hard won gains.

Second Battle of Krithian Peninsula - Talos

 Points: 750

Imperial command made the decision that the Astra Militarum artillery support that had been requested by the Rift Wardens would not be forthcoming, being diverted to other war zones. This stalled the Rift Warden attack on the Tyranid forces while they waited to see if the support would become available. As a consequence the Krithian Peninusla became overrun with bio-organisms and the Rift Wardens faced severe opposition. 

When that artillery support failed to manifest, the Rift Wardens moved forward to directly engage the  Tyranid forces. Initially, the smaller bio-organisms abandoned their positions and fell back. The Rift Wardens cautiously occupied those positions. The battlefield was oddly quiet and the vanguard detachment reached their objective quite quickly while the flanking detachments approached more slowly. Suddenly, with a scream, the Tyranids charged from cover towards the space marines who attempted to counter-charge. Most of the Tyranids were stopped by heavy bolter and bolt rifle fire.

The space marine survivours consolidated their position in a series of make-shift trenches and were relieved by aggressors, leaving the battle brothers to concentrate on securing and bolstering their defences. The right flank was having difficulties however, as they faced a significant force of larger monstrous organisms. Those that survived the attack were forced to dig in. The battlefield was now aflame and as night fell, the area was cast into flickering shadow.

On the following day, the attack was reinforced by a second company containing many of the chapter's veteran marines. They were fresh and fully equipped. Charging into battle they cut down many Tyranid creatures while sustaining minimal casualties themselves.

The assault resumed on the third day and further progress was made into enemy controlled territory by the enemy forces were constantly being reinforced by more and more organisms. That evening dreadnoughts were sent in to handle the larger threats but many fell to the enemy. The Rift Wardens had succeeded in capturing vital territory but the Tyranids kept coming. Casualties were mounting and it would only be a matter of time before the chapter would need bolstering if their gains were to be held.

Thursday, 23 March 2023

Battle of the Deinos Trenchworks - Mortwald

Points: 1500.

Mission: Data Scry-Salvage.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Engage On All Fronts and No Prisoners..

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, Grind Them Down and Raise The Banners High.

The Astra Militarum forces attempting to defend the outer defences of Mortwald request desperate aid as their lines were being overrun by forces of the Iron Warriors. Despite waging a war of attrition against the traitor forces already within the city walls, a detachment was dispatched to aid in the fight against the Rift Warden's mortal enemy. Lieutenant Aurellius was placed in charge and upon reaching the Deinos Trenchworks he immediately abandoned any idea of a major offensive feeling that such a course of action would come at too great a cost. Instead, he intended to secure the defences and maintain a strong link back to his battle brothers on the walls of the hive city.

To achieve this, the space marines would need to capture portions of the trench works currently held by the enemy. The plan was to attack the Iron Warriors with everything at his disposal while the Astra Militarum fought to keep further enemy reinforcements arriving to bolster their numbers. As with most Rift Warden attacks the initial attack was impressive but achieved little. The trenchworks were obscured by mist and smoke from the battle, while the Iron Warriors had ample opportunity to prepare for the Rift Wardens arrival.

One detachment attempted to capture the trenches with a determined assault but the attack collapsed as they were confronted by strong-point and artillery fire. As a consequence when the main force arrived they found themselves under heavy fire from obliterators higher up the trenches who were all too accurate with their attacks, The Rift Wardens retreated, still pouring bolter fire into the enemy positions.

As evening began to fall, Aurellius led his battle brothers forward, scouting out into the desert wastes in an attempt to out flank the Iron Warrior positions. By this time the air was thick with mist and smoke from the battle so they had little idea of where the enemy was located. Unfortunately, the marines ended up being easy targets for the obliterators and enemy tanks. The advance was halted and the space marines went to ground in the ash dunes. The battle to dislodge the Iron Warriors was going to be harder than first imagined.

Thursday, 9 March 2023

Battle Of The Spires - Dirkden Hivesprawl

Points: 1000.

Mission: Death And Zeal.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Engage On All Fronts and No Prisoners.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Herd The Prey and No Prisoners.

The battle of the spires was a minor engagement that took place during the defence if Dirkden. When reports of missing civilian workers, arbites and Astra Militarum patrols in the upper spires reached the ears of Arthurus, it was assumed to be the work of the Genestealer Cult active within the hive. Arthurus personally led a force into the spires to engage the xenos but found out that the enemy was none other the Drukhari seeking slaves. Thankfully for the space marines the spires proved easy to defend and the chapter hunkered down awaiting their foes return.

Over the course of days the two forces engaged in brief firefights which quickly developed into a stalemate. In an effort to break this deadlock, the Drukhari launched an offensive upon the space marines by dropping incubi in to contain them in close combat while aircraft strafed their positions. As part of this effort, the infamous Drazhar also took part.

Two squads of incubi led by Drazhar mounted a futile attack on the Rift Warden positions in the upper spires. Due to the superior skills of the space marines and some inflexible decision making, the incubui were all slain and Drazhar cast from the parapets - although unsubstantiated rumours suggest that he somehow survived. Over four successive waves of attack the Drukhari lost their entire force while losses to the Rift Wardens were negligable.

Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Battle of Saint's Landing - Grendal


Points: 1000.

Mission: Desperate Raid.

Secondary Objectives: Abhor The Witch, No Prisoners, and Raise The Banners High.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Behind Enemy Lines, Teleport Assault and Warp Ritual.

The battle of Saint's Landing was an orbital landing made at the Ascension Hive's space port. It was part of the Rift Warden's attempt to break the Grey Knight's defiance. The landing, which commenced as night fell across the hive, was intended to support the space marine detachments fighting the Grey Knights throughout the hive.

Although initially successful, against light opposition, the landing was mismanaged from the outset and quickly reached the stalemate conditions that prevailed between the fighting forces in the hive. A week after the landing, the Rift Wardens were still contained within the space port while their battle brothers attempted to fight through to join them.

Abortive Assault - Antares

Points: 1000.

Mission: Reconnaissance Mission.

Secondary Objectives: Codex Warefare, Oaths of Moment and Shock Tactics.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Auric Mortalis, Might of Terra and Stand Vigil.

Due to a shortage of tanks and artillery, the Rift Wardens counter-attack was split into two parts with the forces available being split to form a pincer attack. In addition to seeking revenge, Arthurus planned this battle to be a diversion to allow the rest of his battle brothers to deploy from orbit

The Rift Warden attack did manage to capture some territory from the Custodes, but these were quickly recaptured by the Emperor's Chosen. The Rift Wardens attacked again and once more successfully captured those same objectives before being driven out by the Custodes with Knightly allies. The arrival of the Freeblades ensured the chapter was unable to hold any ground and the chapter suffered many casualties. The Custodes then launched an attack of their own and forced the Rift Wardens out of their planned deployment zone. 

From here the Custodes repeatedly surged into the Rift Wardens. The fighting continued for several days before it finally subsided. Afterwards this battlefield would remain one of the busiest and more violent of the campaign.

Battle of Orias Flats - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 1000.

Mission: Sacred Ground.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Engage On All Fronts and Raise The Banners High.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Grind Them Down, Ruthless Tyranny and Storm Of Darkness.

The battle of Orias Flats was fought between Imperial forces and a detachment of Chaos Knights during the conflicts out in the wastelands beyond the cities. The battle was part of a divisionary attack to draw enemy attention away from the main assaults being conducted by the Astra Militarum, Ultramarines and Space Wolves against Chaos threats encroaching on the hive cities.

The width of the front line was quick small compared to other engagements and the distance between the two forces was a matter of a couple of hundred yards. To reduce the distance, the Rift Warden's techmarines projected a number of smaller trenches from their own lines towards the enemy position. As the attack started, one of these trench works was opened to allow the chapter's eradicators to advance on the enemy positions without having to cross open ground. The enemy Knights would be forced into fields of fire and the chapter hoped it would be enough to allow a number of them to be destroyed. To provide cover for the techmarines, a bombardment from a series of tanks and dreadnoughts pummelled the Herpetrax lines for three days. Much of the defences the smaller Knights hid behind were blasted into dust. 

Finally, the eradicators were in range lay devastating fire into the enemy. One enemy war engine detonated and in the chaos, the chapter surged forward opening fire into the enemy. The battle lasted two and a half hours, with melta fire disabling or destroying many of the enemy machines. Meanwhile the chapter's dreadnoughts and invictus war suits  providing supporting fire along the flanks. Even such victories, the enemy detachment was still a sizeable threat.

While this vangaurd force prepared the ground for the attack, behind the Rift Warden lines the assault forces moved into position. Due to the small front along which the attack was to be launched, the initial wave of marines was to be launched in three waves, while the remained of the chapter remained in reserve, ready to be brought up to consolidate any gains or react in the event of a counter-attack. Once the first wave was in position, the assault squads moved through them towards the front line. Half the force would use the new trenchworks to approach the enemy lines while the rest would advance through the battle field to distract the enraged Knights.

By late afternoon, the first wave of intercessors had thrown themselves forward. To the north, their heavy intercessor brothers laid down supressing fire on the smaller enemy Knights, while the third wave of intercessors held the southern end of the battle line. The trenchworks used by the eradicators was raked by heavy weapon and autocannon fire. From his position in the Rift Wardens command bunker, lieutenant Kay began to co-ordinate the response, passing orders to the reinforcements to move up and called down more artillery fire. Marine casualties were relatively light as the enemy had suffered surprising casualties in the initial attack and had not the reserves to provide return fire. 

When the Rift Wardens reached the enemy positions they found their advance halted as the Herpetrax Knights flooded the close range battlefield with a massive volley of fire. The enemy had the space marines exactly where they wanted them. At point blank range their firepower was impressive as was their ferocity in assault. As the second and third waves attacked, some of the marines brought Knights down with grenades and even chainswords. Others advanced past to force the enemy to engage them in assault rather than fire upon their battle brothers. In the ensuing fighting over two hundred space marines were slain for hardly any losses on the side of House Herpetrax.

In the enemy lines, the space marines became separated and confused. Due to the nature of the engagement, the space marines were unable to effectively fire their bolter rifles, and the battle devolved into a bloody massacre. The Rift Wardens had severely underestimated their ability to handle even the smaller of the enemy Knights. What had at first seemed to be a conflict well in hand, had turned into a significant defeat. The chapter had no course but to retreat and hope that their sacrifice had been enough to aid the other Imperial forces out in the wastelands.

Thursday, 2 March 2023

The First Battle of Djodrolev Hivestar - Mortwald

Points: 2000.

Mission: Conversion.

Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, No Prisoners and Raise The Banners High.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Despoiled Ground, Fleeing Vectors and Spread The Sickness.

The approach towards the Rift Wardens command base within Mortwald was made through the twisting confines of the narrow hive streets. The Rift Wardens had outposts at three surrounding and protecting the approaches to their base of operations. There was a four outpost to the far north otherwise isolated from easy reinforcement. All of these would need to be cleared by the Death Guard vanguard before the main assault could proceed forward. 

In a swift operation, the Death Guard cleared the four outposts with relative ease. Fighting was heavy as the Rift Wardens had fortified their positions and occupied with heavy intercessors, providing superior firepower against the attackers. The Death Guard were victorious but the fight had left them running behind schedule and the main command base had been alerted.

Three companies of plague marines with daemon engine support advanced through the hive, reaching their designated positions as night gave way to dawn. This put them roughly 500 yards from the Rift Wardens. The fourth company became lost in the sprawling hive streets and never arrived. 

The attack was the main element in a wider offensive against Imperial positions in the Hive. As the sun rose over the city walls, the Death Guard charged into the incoming defensive fire. The battle was brutal and both sides took huge casualties. Victory went to the servants of the plague god.

Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Battle of Karst Plateau - Vigilus Wastelands


Points: 2000.

Mission: Tear Down Their Icons.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, No Prisoners and Raise The Banners High..

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Blood For The Blood God, Pile The Skulls and The Blood God's Due.

The Karst Plateau was the site of an exhausting series of hand to hand engagements involving the World Eaters and the Rift Wardens, with severe casualties on both sides. The battle began with the Rift Wardens pouring fire into the oncoming berzerkers but soon devolved into a terrifying melee. The Rift Wardens lost around two thirds of their effective strength and were forced to retreat due to a combination of successive World Eater attacks and the unexpected arrival of Angron from the Warp.

On the following day the World Eaters overran and captured several Astra Militarum fire bases on the outskirts of the plateau. The Rift Wardens briefly recaptured several of these but were unable to repel the number of incoming enemy forces. Elsewhere in the region, the World Eaters were decimating other Imperial fortifications, severely hampering the Imperial efforts as these would have had important strategic value in future battles for the wastelands.

The Line Falls - Omegon Theta

  Points: 2000. Deployment and Mission: Tipping Point / Fog of War. Primary Objective: Scorched Earth. Detachment: Gladius Task Force. O...