Tuesday, 26 July 2022

The Second Battle of Chernobog - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 2000.

Mission: Conversion.

Secondary Objectives: Assassination, Bolster Barricades and Engage On All Fronts.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Despoilers of Reality, Nourished By Terror and Reality Rebels.

The second battle of Chernobog was a battle in the Vigilus Campaign that took place near the site of that polluted ruin. It would prove a victory for the daemons of Chaos but one that they would struggle to replicate later in the war.

On the day of the battle, a Rift Wardens patrol came under attack by a fresh horde of daemons. After the initial assault, the space marines were forced to retreat to a nearby fortification. Meanwhile the daemons poured forth from the corrupted ruins of Chernobog and spread out into the wastelands. On the second day, the Rift Wardens found themselves once again assaulted by a horde of daemonettes. Little was achieved by either side after two days of fighting, other than a reduction in fighting strength of the Rift Wardens.

On the third day, the space marines were attacked from the east by new force of Slaanesh daemons led by more powerful daemons. The Rift Wardens put up a desperate fight but by the end of the day were forced to retreat. With no one to stop them, the Slaaneshi daemons dispersed into the wastelands only to attack Imperial convoys or assaulting the walls of the great Hivesprawls.

Monday, 25 July 2022

Fire and Ice - Vanaheim

Points: 1000.

Mission: Crossfire.

Secondary Objectives: Raise The Banners High, Shock Tactics and Slay The Warlord.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Attrition, Engage On All Fronts and Slay the Warlord.

The reason for the war between the Rift Wardens and Space Wolves has been lost to the ages. The archives of both chapters has been purged of this engagement and the lords of the two chapters will not speak of it. Even so, the war between the two chapters on the ice world of Vanaheim lasted for several months before both chapters departed leaving a blasted world in their wake.

Going into battle, the Space Wolves enjoyed two key advantages over the Rift Wardens: superior numbers and a better strategic position. Wolf Lord Danki Frostblade's force enjoyed a numerical advantage of two to one. On the morning of the first day, Danki's marines encountered the Rift Wardens under Captain Gwaine, near the town of Zakilov. At midday the Space Wolves engaged the Rift Wardens and secured a series of vital objectives. By the end of the first day, the Rift Wardens were driven back in disarray.

On day two, the Rift Wardens under Gwaine, tried to continue their advance south, unaware that Danki's forces were laying in wait for them. This second engagement lasted most of the day, well into the afternoon, when the Rift Wardens fell back to their staging area.

The Battle of Tannenburg - Talos

Points: 1000.

Mission: Ransack.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Raise The Banners High and Shock Tactics.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Attrition, Engage On All Fronts and Ransack.

The Battle of Tannebburg was fought between the Rift Wardens and the Tyranid horde over four days. The battle resulted in the almost complete destruction of two space marine companies and the death of captain Lamorak. A series of follow up battles destroyed several Astra Militarum regiments and kept the Imperium off balance for several weeks.

The battle is notable for the speed at which the Tyranid forces moved, enabling them to concentrate against the Rift Wardens and the Astra Militarum in turn, first destroying the space marines and then the guardsmen before pushing into Imperial held territory. 

Battle of Brackenheim - Dharrovar

Points: 1000.

Mission: Forward Push.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Forward Push and Shock Tactics.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Engage On All Fronts, First Strike and Raise The Banners High.

At dawn on day 1 of the battle, a basilisk artillery bombardment began on the loyalist lines; throughout the day the traitor Militarum concentrated on the Imperial forces at the forefront of their lines. After a couple hours of bombardment the first enemy infantry assault began, with the enemy attempting to force their way across four bridges that crossed a vital viaduct. Four enemy battalions attacked the Alpha bridge, which was defended by a company of Rift Wardens. Advancing at first in close column, the enemy guardsmen made easy targets for the space marines. So heavy was the Rift Warden bolter fire throughout the battle that the enemy were swiftly demoralised. 

The traitor Militarum attack was a costly failure and they switched to an open formation and attacked again. This attack was more successful, as the looser formation made it harder for the space marines to inflict such heavy casualties. The outnumbered Imperial defenders were soon hard-pressed to defend the bridges and two bridges were only held due to piecemeal reinforcements and exceptional bravery. At Alpha bridge, Captain Lamorak took direct control of a several squads and launched a counter-attack. Although successful, Lamorak took severe injuries and had to be evacuated. The chapter's tech marines managed to destroy Beta bridge but were prevented from destroying the other three.

The enemy Militarum pressed their attack against Alpha bridge and the Rift Wardens. Greatly outnumbered, the space marines suffered many casualties but inflicted considerable damage upon the attacking forces. The enemy expanded their attack, assaulting loyalist defences along the length of the viaduct. They used the cover of ruined fortifications that lined the river and advanced to within a hundred yards of the river, to rake the loyalists with heavy weapon and artillery fire. The attack fell heavily upon the Rift Wardens, who despite many casualties repulsed the traitors throughout the day.

By afternoon, the Imperial position had become untenable, with thousands of guardsmen and officers killed or wounded. To the east, traitor infantry had begun to cross the bridges in force, threatening the Imperial right flank. With the loyalist Militarum now forced to deal with an unexpected front, the Rift Wardens lost supporting fire and the enemy were able to increase pressure against them.

Captain Lorgraine joined his battle brothers and upon reading the battle reports was convinced that an advance could still be made. However by mid-afternoon he was forced to order a retreat to positions a short distance to the south and the loyalist guardsmen performed a similar retreat towards evening. By nightfall, the loyalist forces had established a new defensive line running through a series of smaller fortifications. The enemy seized control of the bridges and were approaching the loyalists in great strength. The loyalist Militarum retreated further, dangerously exposing the Rift Wardens to the full might of the enemy advance. Shortly after midnight, Lorgraine have the reluctant order to retreat to the south-west to reach defensible positions. Lorgraine accepted that an advance would not be position and that the retreat was an unfortunate necessity. 

Both sides had success at the battle of Brackenheim: the Imperium had been outnumbered about 3 to 1 but managed to withstand the enemy forces for 48 hours, inflicted more casualties on the enemy and then retired in good order. Although the bridges were lost, the battle was an important moral victory for the loyalists as they felt that they had got the upper hand during the fighting. The traitor Militarum appeared to recognise that they had been dealt a sharp blow by an army they thought would have been an easy kill.

The bridges had fallen into enemy hands but realistically, the enemy were now contained if they wished to continue holding such strategic locations.

Thursday, 21 July 2022

The Affair at the Kiara Oasis - Vigilus Wastelands

Power Level: 60.

Mission: Supplies From Above.

Agendas: Cull The Hordes, Kingslayer and Recover Mission Archives.

Opponent's Agendas: Kingslayer, Megawaaagh and Reaper.

The Affair at the Kiara Oasis (affair, an action or engagement not of sufficient magnitude to be called a battle) was fought by the Rift Wardens against Ork raiders in a remote desert oasis out in the wastelands between the hivesprawls. The space marine defenders mined the approaches to the oasis, destroyed any potential barricades and dug into the abandoned site ready to defend it against the greenskin raiders. The Ork attack was repulsed and then a counter-attack was ordered but it failed to defeat the enemy.

The Rift Wardens hunkered down for the night due to concerns that further Ork troops might cut off any retreat and outnumber them. The affair lasted for two days before the space marines received aerial evacuation. The Kiara Oasis fell into Ork hands and would remain so for the remainder of the campaign.

Monday, 18 July 2022

Titanic Engagement - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 1500.

Mission: Data Scry Salvage.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Bolster Barricades and No Prisoners.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: A Fitting Challenge, Path of Destruction and Ruthless Tyranny.

Following the arrival of Abaddon the Despoiler and his heretic forces, the Rift Wardens found themselves fighting alongside many of their Imperial allies in a forty kilometre long front protecting the advance towards Mortwald Hivesprawl. The first threat these defenders would face would not be the Black Legion but a vanguard force of Chaos Knights roaming ahead of the Legio Mortis.

Day 1.

On the morning of the first day of this engagement, Imperial Navy spotter aircraft reported to command that a phalanx of Chaos Knights were moving towards Mortwalk. In accordance with established plans, those battalions ranging ahead moved forwards to intercept the enemy then seek to assist the remaining defenders where possible. The Cadian 1567th were ordered to bolster the defence lines and the Rift Wardens were tasked to cooperate in this by filling in the gaps along the defences. Unknown to the defenders, the Knights of House Vextrix had already clashed with the Astra Militarum vanguards. By late afternoon the Chaos Knights were still on advance towards the hivesprawl, and in consequence the spotter aircraft were ordered to reconnoitre their movements and informed the defending marines and guardsmen to be ready to attack. 

By evening, vanguards had pushed back the Vextrix assaults. Communications revealed that the Chaos Knight presence was much larger and more powerful than had been expected. The forward lines were evacuated as night fell and the survivours made haste to join the main defence lines. For now the enemy had succeeded in pushing into Imperial held territory largely with impunity.

On the eastern front, outposts of the Rift Wardens had been attacked mid-afternoon. Despite initial failures, the Chaos Knights continued with their attacks and forced their way through. A space marine counter-attack inflicted severe damage but failed to push the enemy back. By late evening, Captain Lorgraine reported continuing efforts to defeat the enemy.

Day 2.

In a report the following morning, Lorgriane confirmed to Imperial command the violence presented by the enemy against their lines. In further communications, he requested that the loyalist Knights and Titans "make themselves felt as soon as possible."

On the Imperial west flank, the Astra Militarum and what what space marine forces there were, were ordered to make movements in preparation of an offensive action. At the same time, Imperial command hastened the relief of the Rift Wardens by a number of loyalist Knights. The offensive movements were stopped by an attack by Knights of House Griffith. Although the attack did not prevent the relief of his own troops, Lorgriane reported that he would be unable to reinforce the Rift Warden position due to the number of casualties his company had suffered.

Day 3.

On the third day, the Knights of House Vextrix attacked the Imperial lines en masse. The attack threatened to cut the Imperial line of retreat but the Rift Wardens bravely stopped their advance with a brace counter-attack. This allowed the Astra Militarum to retreat to Mortwald with minimal loss of life. With the majority of Imperial forces retreating towards the hivesprawl, Lorgraine signalled the order to withdraw, lest his battle brothers by encircled and cut off from escape. House Vextrix was victorious in this engagement.

Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Battle of Lucifuge - Lucifuge


Points: 1000.

Mission: Ransack.

Secondary Objectives: Oaths Of Moment, Raise The Banners High and Slay The Warlord.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Oaths Of Moment, Ransack and Relentless Assault.

In the aftermath of the Vigilus Crusade and the Rift War, Marneus Calgar requested that the remaining Rift Wardens head into the Imperium Nihilus to bolster the Blood Angels in the Lucifuge system against the forces of Chaos. Although underpowered now, Arthurus agreed. However, upon reaching the target system, the Rift Wardens found a system corrupted by the Ruinous Powers. Arthurus made the decision that the Blood Angels on Lucifuge must have been corrupted and ordered his battle brothers to engage them. Once again, the chapter found itself at war with it's own allies.

Following the initial Rift Wardens attack, Lemartes issued instructions hold back his battle brothers because scout teams found few Rift Wardens marines operating in the area. The larger chapter force was advancing some miles to the north-west. A wait and see approach to determine what the enemy would do.

On the second day, Lemartes was ordered to occupy a series of defences in the path of the Rift Wardens but not to engage unless fired upon first. An attempt to assault the enemy would be for naught if they proved to be unresponsive to parlay. Captain Leander of the Rift Wardens was ordered to occupy a series of fortifications but not to advance too far forward. Better to wait rather than be slaughtered by the blood crazed Death Company.

Lemartes and his battle brothers attacked with elements of the third and death companies with support on the following day by the fourth and fifth. They fell upon the fortifications held by Captain Leander with seething aggression. Further south, elements of the Rift Wardens held place and watched for signs of Blood Angel assault coming their way. During this moment, the Rift Wardens made planet fall at strategic locations all around the planet.

Blood Angel reinforcements moved slower than expected and it left Lemartes undermanned for the battle ahead. Rift Warden reinforcements were reported as converging on his position. The Rift Wardens lacked any real knowledge of the area and were unaware of just how many Blood Angels marines remained in the area. They had won a series of small skirmishes but had yet to face the full force of the sons of Sanquinius. 

Eventually on the third day day, Leander attacked the dug-in Blood Angels, striking out in thick fog and heavy rain, with little support other than a handful of dreadnoughts. As the fog lifted, Blood Angel heavy weapons fire brought down all but one redemptor dreadnought. A Blood Angel counter-attack pushed back the Rift Wardens and they were not able to reclaim their position until the early evening. 

To the north, a company of Rift Wardens advanced in the fog, encountering enemy forces and was forced to withdraw and take a divisionary route to join their battle brothers. On the southern flank, the Rift Wardens fared even worse and the whole force there retreated a short distance under heavy assault. 

Although this initial engagement for Lucifuge was brief and made up of scattered skirmishes, it showed the commanders of both sides that the other was not willing to give ground and attempts at communication failed. This would be a long, slow and bitter campaign.

Wednesday, 6 July 2022

Second Battle of Sartur - Corinthia

Points: 1000.

Mission: Shifting Front.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Engage On All Fronts, and Oaths Of Moment..

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Aerospace Targeting Relay, Engage On All Fronts, and Slay The Warlord.

Following a series of minor victories against the Tau elsewhere across the surface of Corinthia, the Imperial commander in this warzone persuaded Arthurus to launch a second offensive against the Tau forces besieging the hive city of Surtur while they lacked immediate reinforcements. The commander argued that his troops, many natives of Surtur themselves, would be demoralized if forced to retreat and leave the city in the hands of the enemy. He also pointed out that the Tau were not as strong as they appeared to be.

On the day of battle, after a night deployment, the Rift Wardens advanced through the wastes and outflanked a Tau division, having been left largely unprotected. The battle was brief and inflicted sixty percent casualties on the enemy, capturing one of the city gates as a result.

To the south, the Astra Militarum regiments were still moving up and were not ready for combat.  Hearing of the space marine victory to the north, to rushed to engage the Tau forces. However, their expected air support did not arrive in time to assist. The Tau in the area were well aware of the Imperial intentions due to the Rift Wardens attack, and had spend time preparing for the assault by moving up their heavy support. At first the Imperial attack went well, but it faltered once it came under Tau artillery fire, and the Tau were able to easily turn the Imperial flanks and force them to retreat.

Rather than press the attack once again, the Militarum regiments turned north to assist the Rift Wardens. Their flanks were then attacked by Tau battle suits and gravitic tanks. Unable to advance without sustaining heavy casualties, the guardsmen were forced to stop and fight. The Rift Wardens were ordered to pull back from Sartur to assist which meant their hard won victory at the north gate was for nothing.

Saturday, 2 July 2022

Battle of Chernobog - Vigilus Wastelands


Points: 2500.

Mission: Open War Deck.

Chernobog, a haunted polluted ruin whose sands run with spilled promethium and worse chemicals. Reports have reached Imperial command that a daemonic incursion has arisen within these wastelands and it's existence cannot be allowed to continue. The Rift Wardens and Sons of Orar chapters are tasked with working together to eliminate this threat.

As the chapters approached the blighted area from the northeast, they encountered numerous daemons and decimated them with massed firepower. The space marines spread out to surround and contain the threat. Alavaan, chapter master of the Sons of Orar ordered Arthurus to hold his Rift Wardens back to keep a secure perimeter, but typically, Arthurus refused and led his battle brothers into the fray.

Alavaan advanced with his three companies but due to Arthurus' refusal to be led, the Sons of Orar were forced to adapt their strategies on the fly. The Rift Wardens charged in, bolters firing and backed up by several dreadnoughts. Alavaan once again ordered Arthurus to fall back, but the Rift Wardens chapter master refused, stating "We shall break the engagement only when the enemy is dead!" Although disobediant, the Rift Wardens were able to handle the daemonic assault and flank the enemy.

A furious frontal attack broke the daemon lines and the forced them into the blades of the Sons of Orar. The daemonic incursion was defeated. Both chapters then dispatched Librarians to flood the area with psychic energy, closing the portals once and for all. The battle was won but an already growing enmity between the two chapters was reaching boiling point.

Friday, 1 July 2022

Battle for Mount Circe - Pariah Nexus

Points: 1000.

Mission: Crossfire.

Secondary Objectives: Assassinate, Oaths Of Moment, and Raise The Banners High.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Attrition, Raise The Banners High and The Treasures of Aeons.

Late in the evening, elements of the Necron vanguard encountered Imperial outposts set up by the Rift Wardens on the slopes of Mount Circe and fighting erupted. The outposts were lightly held, and their defenders driven back away and out onto the mountainside. By midnight, fierce clashes between the Necrons and the space marines were underway and chaos ensued in the snowy darkness. By morning, the Necrons had seized two outposts and dislodged the Rift Wardens from the positions lower down the mountain. The Rift Wardens, who had suffered heavy casualties during the fighting, retreated. As the day progressed, the Necrons drove the space marines off the slopes of the mountain and into the icy fields below.

On the second day, the Rift Wardens attempted to retake their outposts on the lower slopes but failed. The Necrons attacked back and began pushing the space marines further out into the snow fields. Each time the Rift Wardens counter-attacked the enemy outmanoeuvred them.

Not to be defeated, the Rift Wardens launched another counter-attack, with the intention of pushing the enemy back to the base of the mountain to hold them in place. However, the attack failed as Necron reinforcements assisted by the appearance of a C'tan Shard arrived from the east, forcing the Rift Wardens to once again withdraw.

Elsewhere, the Necron forces counter-offensive continued and other Imperial firebases came under severe pressure. The first Necron attack was fought of, but wave after wave of further attacks followed throughout the night. In the early hours of the third day, the Necrons finally defeated the Imperial presence and seized those outposts. Each time the Astra Militarum counter-attacked, they were defeated sustaining heavy losses. Only the Rift Wardens were able to inflict sustained light casualties upon the enemy. Because the Imperial forces did not break the Necrons, they were unable to halt the advance. 

The war for the Pariah Nexus was not going well for the Imperium.

The Line Falls - Omegon Theta

  Points: 2000. Deployment and Mission: Tipping Point / Fog of War. Primary Objective: Scorched Earth. Detachment: Gladius Task Force. O...