Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Hold The Line - Vigilus Wastelands / Dontoria Hivesprawl


Points: 1000.

Mission: Sacred Ground.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Shock Tactics, and Raise The Banners High.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Behind Enemy Lines, Bring It Down, and Grind Them Down.

The Rift Warden counter attack occurred the following day after the Ork attack. The Orks had decimated the Astra Militarum defenders and the Rift Wardens were soon halted by the immense horde of Greenskins. The chapter succeeded in recapturing one of the forts and their battle brothers rallied around it. Over the next two days the Rift Wardens fought but were unable to slay enough of the Orks.

On the morning of the third day of battle, the chapter was reinforced by Arthurus leading a force of aggressors but even their presence was not enough and they took heavy losses. The chapter was now pinned down, and could not advance or retreat. Despite their predicament, Arthurus ordered his battle brothers to continue the attack and slay as many of the Orks as they could.

Captain Lamorak gave up defending the outer walls of Dontoria to aid his chapter master. Under his command, his detachment fought through the Ork lines reach the defenders although he lost around half his force in casualties. With his assistance, Arthurus ordered an withdraw to the hive city walls. On the horizon however, more Orks were incoming.

Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Darkness Rising - Storvahl

Power Level: 50.

Mission: The Ritual.

Agendas: Angels of Death and Reaper.

Opponent's Agendas: Breakthrough and Nocturnal Warfare.

Other than a handful of attempts by the Greenskins to breach the walls of Storvahl, this hive city has largely weathered the war for Vigilus unharmed. Storvahl is the in equatorial zone and the main source of energy on Vigilus. The sprawl is home to vast farm-generators which harness the volcanic power of the planet. Because of this a detachment of Rift Wardens and a handful of other chapters had been assigned to the quiet duty of defending the hive. That peace was about to change as from the shadows emerged a new threat.

The Night Lord attack began as darkness fell. Legionnaire squads assaulted Astra Militarum guard posts across the city. Significant damage was inflicted but the Rift Wardens responded quickly and the Night Lords came under heavy small arms fire across the city. The main assault arose in the north of the hive and the Night Lords secured a large area and while smaller detachments spread through the city causing terror in the Mechanicum and civilian populations. The main force dug in however and awaited the Rift Warden counter-attack. Through the night they consolidated control over various districts. However, supplying the legionnaire squads out in the field became difficult and impossible as daylight broke, with increased attacks by the Rift Wardens. At this point, the Night Lords stormed the Rift Warden defences but massed bolter fire forced them back.

The Night Lords commander led an attack towards the centre of the hive, but their advanced was slowed due to the layout of the hive's streets. Bike squads roamed ahead however and allowed them to clean the way for the main force. This advance was halted when chapter master Arthurus, who was in Storvahl briefly to oversee his brother stationed here, entered the fray. Leading his brothers he advanced into the Night Lords lines. Under his leadership the chapter recaptured large swathes of territory. Meanwhile, the main Night Lord force continued forwards with their commander calling in for aid from the disparate legionnaire squads around the city. Many of them, however, never arrived for reasons unknown. 

The initial Night Lord surprise attack had not gone to plan and now the legion found itself fighting a battle-hardened Rift Wardens. Unknown to both however, something was waiting in the shadows and watching.

Friday, 20 January 2023

Battle Beyond The Walls - Vigilus Wastelands / Dontoria Hivesprawl


Points: 1000.

Mission: Ascension.

Secondary Objectives: Oaths of Moment, Shock Tactics, and Raise The Banners High.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Assassination, Engage On All Fronts, and Grind Them Down.

Nearly three years into the Vigilus war, the Orks were concentrated in the wastelands mainly south of Dontoria Hivesprawl, leaving their scrap cities largely undefended. Following the failed attempts by the Imperium to destroy the scrap cities two years earlier, the Ork speedwaagh in the area had substantial freedom of movement. This allowed the Orks to conduct a number of raids on Astra Militarum fortifications surrounding Dontoria. 

Then, one morning, as the sun rose above the horizon, the Orks surrounded and attacked the defence fort on the approach to the hivesprawl. Early in the battle, the Ork warboss was killed and chapter master Arthurus seriously injured as a immense Gorganaut exploded spectacularly. This left lieutenant Agrippa to lead the Rift Warden defence of the fort. The Orks brought up killa kans and deffkoptas, whose weapons were able to inflict considerable damage to the fort's defences. Despite having superiority in weapons and defences, the Rift Wardens were unable to prevent the Orks from breaking into the fort. Around middday after several hours of fighting, the Rift Wardens withdrew back to Dontoria, leaving the Astra Militarum to continue fighting the Orks.

Battle of Krithian Peninsula - Talos


Power Level: 60.

Mission: Supplies From Above.

Agendas: Angels of Death, Reaper and Recover Mission Archives.

Opponent's Agendas: Hunt And Slay, Lord Of The Warp and Sentinel.

On the day in question, the Rift Wardens landed at five vital locations around the Krithian Peninsula in the path of the oncoming Tyranid horde. Landing sites Alpha and Beta were hotly contested and the chapter suffered heavy casualties. A supporting landing made at Lamba site on the coastline to the north were made without opposition but the marines had no specific orders so made made no attempt to advance and just fortified their position. The first day objectives of several defensible locations were virtually undefended. The Rift Wardens forfeited an opportunity for an early success when they were forced back from Beta site when the Tyranids arrived.

After much fighting, the space marines were able to secure the main landing sites. After a diversionary raid further up the coast, the chapter managed to bolster their lines. By afternoon on the second day, the Rift Wardens were able to make an advance of about two miles up the peninsula towards the primary objectives, ready for the main assault the following day. The success of the Tyranid defence, led the Rift Wardens to overestimate the opposition they faces. The Tyranid presence was actually outnumbered but believing their numbers higher, Arthurus assumed that the enemy was receiving a constant supply of reinforcements.

The main battle commenced in the morning of the fourth day with the chapter's thunderhawks performing a number of aerial strikes. The plan of advance was for the one company strength force to hold position on the right flank while the main force captured a series of tactical locations. The plan was poorly communicated to the various lieutenants who would be leading the individual attacks. One detachment remained far from the front, because of this, they were not able to exert any control as the attack developed. The initial advances were east but a pockets of Tyranid resistance were encountered, some stretches of the line were held up while others kept advancing and ended up outflanked. As the marines advanced further up the peninsula, the terrain became more difficult as they encountered a series of deep ravines.

On the extreme left, the Rift Wardens descended into a ravine but were halted by a surge of ravening bio-organisms. No further advance would be made until Arthurus arrived to lead their attack. When Arthurus was sorely wounded and required extraction that the chapter was forced to call off the attack. Significant damage had been inflicted on the Tyranids presence but it was not enough and the Krithian Peninsula was overrun by the enemy.

Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Battle for Transit Station AR-23 - Dharrovar

Points: 2000.

Mission: Tear Down Their Icons.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Oaths of Moment and Raise The Banners High.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Engage On All Fronts, and Inflexible Command.

The battle for Transit Station AR-23 was a Rift Warden assault on a enemy held cargo transit station during the war for the Hindelgheist hivesprawl. The Astra Militarum commander had been ordered to defend the vital supply point and came into contact with a Rift Warden detachment advancing on the station. The AM commander withdrew his forces back into the station and dug in his forces. The space marine attack was repulsed with the help of an tank column, leaving the defenders victorious. 

Friday, 13 January 2023

Capture The Fort - Feast of Blades

Points: 1000.

Mission: Surge Of Faith.

Secondary Objectives: Grind Them Down, Shock Tactics, and Raise The Banners High.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Behind Enemy Lines, Grind Them Down, and Raise The Banners High.

In this version of the Feast of Blades, the Imperial Fists and it's successor chapters come together to engage in a series of war games to test their skill against one another. 

The first scenario presented to the Rift Wardens was a planetary assault against a fortress occupied by the Imperial Fists. The Rift Warden thunderhawks landed at night on the western side of the peninsula on which the fortress was located. They deployed approximately a mile north of their intended landing zone. In the darkness the assault formations became separated but gradually made their way inland, under increasing opposition from the Imperial Fist defenders. Upon reaching the fortress, the Rift Wardens's plans were discarded, and the two two chapters were thrown into battle piecemeal and receiving mixed orders. Some Rift Wardens advanced to their designated objectives, while others were diverted to other areas and began setting up defensive ridge lines. 

As the sun rose above the horizon, the engagement was brought to end. The Rift Wardens had failed to breach the fortification let along take control. 

Tuesday, 10 January 2023

Hell's Point Planetary Assault - Pariah Nexus

Points: 2000.

Mission: Crossfire.

Secondary Objectives: Bring It Down, Grind Them Down, and Raise The Banners High.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Ancient Machineries, Purge The Vermin and The Treasures of Aeons.

The landing at Hell's Point was part of the Pariah Nexus campaign and the beginning of the main offensive against the Necron command structure here. It began with a series of orbital landings by multiple Astartes chapters and Astra Militarum regiments. The location of Hell's Point was chosen as the main landing area. With orbital fire support the Rift Wardens chapter led the attack on the Necron tomb structure and seized several strategic objectives. They then planned on capturing a series of enemy firebases as they crusade advanced.

An Astra Militarum feigned landing further in land and an real landing in the north was made by multiple regiments. At dawn a diversionary landing was made by Legio Titanica forces several kilometres to the west. As night fell, the various Astartes chapters made a drop pod assault into the Necron positions.

Unfortunately the Hell's Point landing was mismanaged by the Imperial commander. The Astra Militarum beach heads became bloodbaths, despite the meagre Necron defences present, while the Astartes landings were not supported. Although the Rift Wardens managed to gain a foothold, their plans to advance were curtailed. For two months, the Rift Wardens fought costly battles to reach their initial objectives but they were eventually driven back by the Necron defenders.

Saturday, 7 January 2023

Battle of Missionary Point - Dontoria Hivesprawl

Points: 1000.

Mission: Reconnaissance Mission.

Secondary Objectives: Oaths Of Moment, Raise The Banners High and Shock Tactics.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Assassination, Despoiled Ground and Spread The Sickness.

This engagement started when the Death Guard released a poison gas attack that hit the Rift Wardens forward command base and the surrounding districts. The chapter was forced to close up their fortifications and weather the storm.

The Deathguard, led by Typhus, advanced and occupied the outer districts of the ground controlled by the Rift Wardens, The chapter now came under heavy fire from the enemy forces. The engagement was brief and the Rift Wardens punished the plague marines with sustained bolter fire and although they did suffer casualties, the chapter held their fortifications.

Battle in the Streets - Hesperous Prime

Points: 1000.

Mission: Cleanse The Land.

Secondary Objectives: Raise The Banners High, Shock Tactics and Warp Ritual.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Oaths of Moment, Raise The Banners High and Stubborn Defiance.

The Dark Angels moved their Deathwing forces forward, placing several units of terminators at key points in the ruined streets. When the command was given, they attacked the Rift Wardens positions with missile fire before the Dark Angels charged forward. Two attempts were repelled, but the third assault pushed the Rift Wardens back. The chapter fought hard but to prevent units being cut off from the main force, they were pulled back. The Rift Wardens then set up a new defensive line and awaited the next Dark Angel assault.

Battle of Ascension Hive (Outer District) - Grendel


Points: 1000.

Mission: Ascension.

Secondary Objectives: Grind Them Down, Raise The Banners High and Warp Ritual.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: Assassination, Engage On All Fronts and Raise The Banners High.

The settlement of Ascension Hive was in the rear of the Rift Warden territory but after recent engagements it now became the front line. Some of the first fighting in the outer district involved the stand of chapter master Arthurus. The chapter master went out with a handful of battle brothers and a lone dreadnought preventing advancing Grey Knights from reaching their flanks.

On the morning, the Grey Knights assaulted the Rift Wardens west flank. Despite a hard fought engagement the Rift Wardens were pushed into the interior of the hive city, and the Grey Knights captured the outer the districts. Over the next three days the Rift Wardens attacked the Grey Knights repeatedly but each time they were forced back. Despite many casualties, the chapter participated without respite in the battles in the north and south districts. Unfortunately the chapter was now surrounded and the war took to the streets.

Thursday, 5 January 2023

Battle of Venstran Crater - Kaelac's Bane

Power Level: 50.

Mission: Recon Patrol.

Agendas: Angels of Death and Reaper.

Opponent's Agendas: Lord of the Warp and Paths of Fate.

In the early evening, a force of Aeldari emerged from the webway and launched an attack upon the Rift Warden force searching for the gate's location. Initially the Rift Wardens suffered heavy casualties from the surprise attack and the chapter's units found themselves separated among the ice sheets with large areas left undefended. The Aeldari then deployed a variety of aspect warriors to further gun down the space marines.

Casualties were heavy but the further the Aeldari progressed the more they over-extended themselves and this would prove to be their downfall. Chapter master Arthurus arrived on the Aeldari left flank with a dreadnought and his own bladeguard bodyguards and they leapt into the fray against the alien aggressors. Together they counter-attacked the Aeldari. Some small arms fire was exchanged but the Aeldari could not down enough of them and soon the tables were turned. 

After losing heavy casualties, the Aeldari retreated to the webway portal and fled back inside. Not only had they lost many warriors but the Imperium know knew the exact location of the portal and would be ready for their return.

Battle of Negation District - Hyperia Hivesprawl

Points: 1500.

Mission: The Scouring.

Secondary Objectives: Grind Them Down, Shock Tactics and Warp Ritual.

Opponent's Secondary Objectives: A Leap Of Faith, Defend The Shrine and Sacred Grounds.

Day 1 and 2.

In the early evening as the sun set, a massive explosion detonated within the Rift Wardens territory. Debris was flung for hundreds of feet in all direction and two buildings collapsed into the streets.  The space marines suffered many casualties and in the confusion found themselves under direct attack by the Adepta Sororitas. An attempt to counter-attack by a company size force of intercessors led by Arthurus failed as the explosion had laid open a wide area with little cover for the space marines. Arthurus ordered his battle brothers back to consolidate. Just after midnight, the Rift Wardens had fortified the streets surrounding the attack site.

The battle sisters launched a barrage of missiles over the next day and as the second day turned into dusk, four battalions of battle sisters supported by multi-meltas attacked from three sides. The Rift Wardens repulsed this attack with a barrage of bolter fire. One company of intercessors managed to claim the crater and dug-in under heavy fire. In the early hours, three more attacks by the battle sisters but were repelled with many losses and those who breached the space marine lines were annihilated. The Argent Shroud released penitent engines into the battle field and forced the Rift Wardens back into the streets, except on the right flank, where they were forced further back. Sister attacks continued all day and it took the Rift Wardens most of the day to reclaim much of their lost territory.

Day 3 to 6.

Before dawn on the third day, the Rift Wardens were bolstered by reinforcements from other districts. The Argent Shroud maintained a heavy bombardment of melta fire. After two hours of heavy fire they attacked again. Two infantry assaults were attempted but were defeated by heavy bolter fire. Attacks by the battle sisters continued into the fifth day, by when the district had become a moonscape of overlapping shell holes and craters. The battle sisters of the Argent Shroud occupied the ruins across from the space marines and their positions were protected by war suits.

Day 7 to 13.

Over the next five days the Argent Shroud retook the battle site. On day 7, a sisters attack led by Morvenn Vahl and Saint Celestine themselves failed and she ordered a detachment of war suits to assault the Rift Warden positions and destroy them at any personal cost. Their attack was orchestrated so quickly that the Rift Wardens were unable to repel them. Some of the Rift Wardens were able to return fire, which gave the chapter time to regroup once more. The sisters attack was forestalled and hellblasters forced them back.

The Rift Wardens relocated to hold different positions on either side of the explosion site, and the sisters blasted them with multi-melta fire. The chapter lost many good marines trying to fend off the attacking battle sisters and holding the Negation District proved too difficult. Arthurus reluctantly ordered his forces away to the North, followed by the Argent Shroud.

The Line Falls - Omegon Theta

  Points: 2000. Deployment and Mission: Tipping Point / Fog of War. Primary Objective: Scorched Earth. Detachment: Gladius Task Force. O...