Thursday, 31 August 2023

Battle Of Hydroponics Station 77 - Dharrovar

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Dawn Of War / Sweep And Clear.

Primary Objective: Sites Of Power.

Detachment:  Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Combined Regiment.

During the night, squads of Rift Wardens marines attacked towards the enemy held position of Hydroponics Station 77, and managed to establish advance posts in the streets south of the station and to the east. Attacks were then made from a foothold to the north-east and to deepen the salient around the target. Over the next day, the chapter had made several attempts on the farm and realised that the main defensive position was underground, where the enemy PDF forces had excavated a series of linked dug-outs. Aggressors and Bladeguard units attacked with Outrider support, and captured much of the surface facility and nearby trenches, with hand to hand fighting in the ruins and underground. Enemy counter-attacks repulsed the Rift Wardens except for a small force who managed to hold the surrounding streets.

During the battle, units of Hellblasters advanced north-west along the main street, towards the station, with several dreadnoughts supporting with heavy weapons fire. The approaches to the station were watched by artillery observers, who directed artillery fire on the space marines from three sides. The Rift Wardens suffered many casualties as they approached and the chapter was repulsed once more.

Lieutenant Tristan led a drop pod assault with several squads of Hellblasters. They captured part of the hydroponics station and were then repulsed by a counter-attack. Over the next few days further attacks had captured parts of the station on the surface by the enemy forces still held the underground dug-outs and tunnels. 

Eventually the station was captured by the Rift Wardens over the next few days. Aggressors cleansed the underground tunnels with torrents of promethium fire and the last pockets of resistance were neutralized by the Bladeguard whom they overwhelmed with grenades and melee. 

Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Battle In The Wastes - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Hammer And Anvil / Hidden Supplies.

Primary Objective: Priority Targets.

Detachment:  Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Realspace Raiders.

The Drukhari offensive occurred mere hours after their last assault on the Rift Wardens. The offensive was concentrated in two zones: the hilly wastes west of the Hellstromme Highway and the edge of the Karst Plateau. In the battle for the Karst Plateau, the Drukhari, after bloody hand-to-hand combat, managed to capture the main transport road running between the hive sprawls. The Rift Wardens had to retreat, leaving the front in the hands of the alien raiders.

The bombardment at the Hellstromme Highway was extremely heavy and effective. Chaplain Mordred requested reinforcements but was denied. As the battle shifted into the afternoon, the Archon warlord ordered his forces to attack. In under an hour, the combined raiding force was once more assaulting the space marine positions.

Simultaneously, a wytch cult force led by Lillith Hesperex also joined in the fight. Her cult forces succeeded in punching a hole in the Rift Warden lines while the space marines retreated waiting for the chance to counter-attack. In the absence of reinforcements, that counter attack never happened. With the capture of the space marine positions, the previously strong Rift Warden defensive line rapidly disintegrated. 

Mordred ordered his men to fall back further to the east. The vital desert route, the Hellstromme Highway, once secure for the armoured convoys was now a prime target for the Drukhari.

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Operation Annihilation: First Battle Of Skumtown - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 1000.

Mission: Spawning Grounds.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Waaagh! Tribe.

Agendas: Eradicate The Swarm and Monstrous Targets.

Opponent's Agendas: Battlefield Survivors and Critical Objectives.

Just before midnight, three companies of Rift Wardens began their attack upon the settlement known as Skumtown, which housed thousands of greenskins. Arthurus made the decision to leave many of his battle brothers supporting the Astra Militarum forces assaulting the scrap cities, and instead took what he felt was the minimum needed to defeat the Orks at Skumtown. The marines approached from three sides, seeking to breach through where the defence was weakest. Unfortunately a couple bolter shots alerted the Orks early. The Rift Warden advanced paused after finding trenchworks filled with Orks. A sudden heavy burst of bolter fire along the whole front began the space marine attack and within a couple hours, they managed to push past those initial defences.

The Rift Warden centre and left companies were skillfully led round the open flank of the Ork entrenchments and into the outer streets. They then led a charge into the enemy positions. Although outnumbered the Orks present fought an effective delaying action at close quarters, but were forced to relinquish ground slowly and were ultimately pushed back just before dawn. The Orks were eventually forced back; withdrawing slowly, unit covering unit with steady fire, staving off a general attack and bolstering a fall back position. During the retirement, the right flank of the Orks suffered considerable losses, but managed to hold their ground. Soon after, the new Ork lines were reinforced by heavy weapons which succeeded in blunting the space marine attack.

The Orks then relied on the savagery of the squiggoths they released upon the space marines, to cause chaos and devastation until further reinforcements could arrive. By the time the sun had risen above the horizon, many of the giant beasts had been brought down by lascannon and missile launcher fire. The Orks now found themselves outflanked by strong space marine forces. More of the giant squiggoths were ordered released and they charged into the Rift Warden right flank. The Rift Warden heavy weapons and artillery now opened fire on the Ork defences and camps; missile strikes inflicted some losses but explosive shells were smothered by the sand and dust. The Rift Wardens succeeded in defeating the squiggoths and pushed further into Skumtown. However, they were unable to press further, as they now came under heavy fire from those Orks entrenched in the middle of the settlement.

Having been held south of Skumtown, Arthurus led his own forces in a further outflank maneuver to the west, concentrating his company in one battle zone. This outflanking action was steadily progressing through the weaker lines and causing some mayhem among the Orks.

The Ork forces gradually reformed to combat this new assault. This time Arthurus' forces were pushed back and the Orks continually harassing their right flank. Arthurus was compelled to fall back slowly, although many of his battle brothers continued to hold positions and engage the greenskins. Without their support, the other space marine flanks were forced to likewise fall back.

The Rift Warden attack, although initially successful had now been blunted. Ork reinforcements poured in from the other scrap cities or from the deserts, making it hard for the space marines to push forward once more and reclaim the ground they had. Arthurus ordered his forces into a holding action for now and called for reinforcements from his captains. The initial assault had failed but the greenskins could not stop the full force of the Rift Wardens chapter in the days to come.

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Blood In The Streets - Mortwald

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Search And Destroy / Chosen Battlefield.

Primary Objective: Vital Ground.

Detachment:  Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Berzerker Warband.

While the Rift Wardens engaged the Knights of House Vextrix to the south of the hivesprawl, the chapter was also forced to content with rampaging warbands of chaos marines. This particular force became a focus for the attention of the World Eaters and their master, Angron. As a critical element in the defence of Mortwald, captain Andred ordered that the streets be held at all costs. Three attempts were made but each was broken up by helbrutes or swept away under an onslaught of chain axes. Despite all attempts, the district was captured by the World Eaters and their activity began to decline for reasons unknown. Desolator squads was used to concentrate heavy missile fire against the approaches where the World Eaters were expected to come from. This bombardment was methodical and relentless. One such highway recieved such a concentration of fire that the Astra Militarum soldiers thereafter named it "Dead Man's Road". The Rift Wardens then brought up tanks and artillery in preparation for another counter-attack. 

When captain Lorgraine arrived, he cancelled the planned counter-attack, choosing to focus on a defensive posture, holding the line against the enemy. Under Angron's lordship, the World Eaters launched numerous attacks. Expecting the loyalists to increase their fire, the World Eaters refused to let up on the punishing assault. The Rift Warden defenders were soon cut down and their skulls raised in honour to the Blood God. Lorgaine and Andred led their survivours out of the district, and sought to regroup with the rest of the chapter.

The Walls Are Breached - Mortwald

Points: 2000.

Deployment and Mission: Search And Destroy / Targets Of Opportunity.

Primary Objective: Purge The Foe.

Detachment: Gladius Strike Force.

Opponent's Detachment: Traitoris Lance.

Having pushed through the Imperial lines outside Mortwald, House Vextrux smashed through the hivesprawl walls in six separate locations and strode into the city streets. The main force occupied the central highway and held it continually throughout the engagement. The lance's attack upon the defenders positions was postponed until night fell and the great rift hung heavy in the night sky. They then marched upon the positions held by the Rift Wardens. Due to some internal infighting among the Knights, this gave the space marines an opportunity to bolster their defences to some extent. Finally, House Vetrix strode down the streets and assaulted their positions.

House Vextrix' plan called for their forces to attack the Rift Warden defences from the south, advancing in three stages about thirty minutes apart, while further Vextrix forces encircled and came in from the north to attack the Rift Wardens from behind. This initial attack from the north was repulsed however. The preparation for the attack involved a through bombardment with heavy cannons and this lasted for several hours. Small Karnivores and other lesser Knights then crept into no man's land under cover of this devastating fire, and then rushed the space marine trenches. The first stage then assaulted from the south.

The second stage saw Vextrix advance to the edge of the defenders positions, stalking through what remained of fallen hab blocks. The weary Rift Wardens fell back unable to handle the constant hail of fire. The Knights had intended to push further into the city but this was halted by strong resistance from the Rift Wardens in dugouts and armed with heavy weapons, and partly the confusion of rubble caused by collapsing buildings. After hours of constant warfare had reduced one sector to a field of craters, it became virtually impossible to distinguish where the battle lines were.

Sunday, 6 August 2023

Surprise Assault - Grendal

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Search And Destroy / Chilling Rain.

Primary Objective: Supply Drop.

Detachment: Gladius Strike Force.

Opponent's Detachment: Teleport Strike Force.

Lorgraine led a small combat patrol into the streets held by the Grey Knights, and surprisingly they found the are weakly held, When the attack was launched, the Grey Knights managed to halt the attack on their right flank. The Rift Wardens brought up a Ballistus Dreadnought to lay down a heavy weapons strike. The Grey Knights attempted to counter-attack with a Dreadknight but they were failing alone the front. During this fight, a small scout team snuck in and planted explosives which destroyed several ammunition stockpiles. With the mission completed, the Rift Wardens fell back, leaving the Grey Knights with a bloodied nose.

Second Battle For Mount Sybo - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Crucible Of Battle / Hidden Supplies.

Primary Objective: Deploy Servo Skulls.

Detachment: Gladius Strike Force.

Opponent's Detachment: Cult Of Magic.

After a lengthy siege, the Thousand Sons legion at Mount Sybo launched an assault to drive the Rift Wardens out, crush them one and for all. An army of rhubric marines and tzaangor's marched from the Thousand Sons fortress, through their defences and slammed into the space marine lines. From the positions the Thousand Sons held, they advanced on three flanks and although they sustained heavy bolter fire, they continued to march on. The attack was swift and brutal, and the Thousand Sons captured the Rift Warden positions, forcing them out into the wastelands. Although Arthurus wanted to stay and fight, Lorgraine convinced him to reign in his desire and return to the Imperial lines. The Thousand Sons weren't going anywhere and the chapter needed to regroup and rearm. Grudgingly, Arthurus agreed and ordered a fall back, leaving Mount Sybo in the hands of the enemy.

First Battle Of Greigan Reservoir - Otek Hivesprawl

Points: 1000.

Deployment and Mission: Hammer And Anvil / Hidden Supplies.

Primary Objective: Take And Hold.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Ascension Day.

A major push by the Rift Wardens was directed against the Cult at the Greigan Reservoir, with the aim of taking the position and then advancing to cleanse the other water sources within Otek Hivesprawl. With the Cult hunkered in and holding ground, Captain Lograine called upon fresh reinforcements from the Litany of Hate in orbit, and this engagement became one of the major struggles in the hivesprawl during the cleansing operation. Cult forces launched a counterattack, pushing back the Rift Wardens - who had not expected the sheer number of enemy units in the area.

The major Rift Warden push began following a major missile assault on the Cult positions. The advancing intercessors, faced ten times their number on the front lines, but the Rift Wardens were stopped by massed small arms fire and forced to retreat. The enemy forces holding the north end of the reservoir were pushed back, however, and the intercessors advancing on the western flank, threatened to take the high ground in that area. A Cult counterattack was not successful this time and sustained heavy losses and had to fall back to bolster the other engagements. Further night time counter attacks also failed and were beaten back. Throughout the next couple days, the Rift Wardens offensive managed to push the Cult forces further back, although they did temporarily retake the north end of the reservoir, a lack of support from other areas once more tipped the battle towards the Rift Wardens. 

On the fourth day, the Cult received significant reinforcements that the engagement began to bog down into the endless meat grinder. Neither side, despite casualties, was prepared to back down and the battle for Greigan Reservoir continued.

Defend The Fort - Feast of Blades


Points: 1500.

Deployment and Mission: Crucible Of Battle / Sweep And Clear.

Primary Objective: Priority Targets.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

The Imperial Fists were concerned that their brothers in the Rift Wardens were not schooled in the ways of defending a siege. The chapter were often far too aggressive and less well trained. With this in mind, the second challenge for the Rift Wardens would be to hold and defend a small fortification from an Imperial Fists attack. The Imperial Fists simulated a artillery strike upon the defence works, then advanced with bolter fire followed by swift assaults to unseat the Rift Wardens. The initial report was confirmed as the Rift Wardens were swiftly overtaken and ousted from their position.

Tuesday, 1 August 2023

Operation Stonewall - Vigilus Wastelands

Points: 1000.

Mission: Secure The Tunnels.

Detachment: Gladius Task Force.

Opponents Detachment: Traitoris Lance.

Agendas: Monstrous Targets and Recover Mission Archives.

Opponent's Agendas: Battlefield Surviours and Cleanse Infestation.

Opetration Stonewall was an attempt by Imperial forces to halt the Chaos forces in Mortwald Hivesprawl from securing reinforcements from House Vextrix in the wastelands. Imperial warzone Marneus Calgar ordered the Rift Wardens to halt the oncoming enemy advance. Arthurus argued that such an operation was a waste of his chapters' abilities and would incur a significant loss of battle brothers but Calgar would not be swayed. Reluctantly, Arthurus lead a small force of Rift Wardens in a vain attempt to stop House Vextrix.

Thankfully for the Rift Wardens, the traitor attacks on their position were hampered by violent dust storms, a network of hastily dug trenches and shell-holes. As more of Abaddon's allies marched on Mortwald, House Vextrix attempted to keep the Rift Wardens attention on themselves. As he expected, Arthurus' troops suffered heavy casualties and eventually he had no option but to order a withdrawal. The traitor Knights hounded the Rift Wardens as they fell back towards the Imperial lines, but nothing could stop the advance as House Vextrix reinforcements entered the Mortwald war zone.

The Line Falls - Omegon Theta

  Points: 2000. Deployment and Mission: Tipping Point / Fog of War. Primary Objective: Scorched Earth. Detachment: Gladius Task Force. O...